Agency Priorities Plan FY16
Agency Priority 1 – Help Americans Eat Smart and Maintain a Healthy Weight Goal 1.1: Work towards increasing average Healthy Eating Index (HEI) by at least 5 points for all children (between ages 2 and 18) and by at least 3 points for low-income adults by 2020, as compared to Goal 1.2 Work towards achieving prioritized healthy body weight and breastfeeding objectives as defined by Healthy People (HP) 2020 leading health indicators Goal 1.3: By October 1, 2018, as feasible, FNS will provide at least annual measures of objectives that contribute to healthy eating and healthy weight within 60 days of the end of each fiscal year for SNAP, NSLP, SBP, CACFP and WIC
Agency Priority 1 – Help Americans Eat Smart and Maintain a Healthy Weight Goal 1.4: Implement all provisions in the Farm Bill regarding healthy eating and weight as determined by statute Goal 1.5: Implement all provisions of the HHFKA in accordance with statutory deadlines and Agency’s priorities Goal 1.6: Work toward improving the health of SNAP recipients through provision of SNAP nutrition education and obesity prevention strategies as defined in the HHFKA Goal 1.7: Implement all Administrator approved promotional strategies regarding “Help Americans Eat Smart and Maintain a Healthy Weight”
Agency Priority 2 – Preserve Public Trust in Our Programs Goal 2.1: Work toward ensuring all FNS Programs operate in compliance with Federal Requirements including issues identified through Management Evaluation of State performance Goal 2.2: By SY , achieve 10 percent or less in NSLP improper payments Goal 2.3: Decrease SNAP trafficking to below 1.3 percent by 2019, including both retailer and client focused activities Goal 2.4: Work toward Reauthorization of CN/WIC Programs Goal 2.5: As defined by areas for improvement identified through the audit process, work towards preserving the Integrity of the SNAP quality control system
Agency Priority 2 – Preserve Public Trust in Our Programs Goal 2.6: Develop and implement communications strategies toward increasing public trust in FNS programs to include integrity efforts and accomplishments and corrections of misinformation in the media
Agency Priority 3 - FNCS is an Efficient, High Performing and Adaptable Organization Goal 3.1: Work towards a positive level of employee satisfaction as measured by Employee Feedback Goal 3.2: Word toward achieving diversity as defined by Departmental and Agency targets, with an emphasis on underrepresented demographics Goal 3.3: Work toward the development of a highly-skilled workforce to respond to the Agency’s current and projected performance and leadership needs Goal 3.4: Achieve four (4) priorities aligned with USDA’s Blueprint for Stronger Services Goal 3.5: Implement all leadership prioritized organizational Process Improvements For FY16
Agency Priority 3 - FNCS is an Efficient, High Performing and Adaptable Organization Goal 3.6: Implement an industry standard IT Service Management Framework that aligns with Agency priority goals
Agency Priority 4 – Reduce Food Insecurity by Helping Feed Those in Need Goal 4.1: As directed by statute, implement SNAP priority provisions of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 and Agricultural Act of 2014 Goal 4.2: As directed by statute, regulation, and Departmental priorities, work toward implementing employment and training programs that will help SNAP recipients get jobs Goal 4.3: For Children eligible for free and reduced price meals, achieve a reduction in the gap between NSLP participation during the school year and participation in CN Summer programs (including Seamless Summer option) from Summer 2009 to Summer 2017
Agency Priority 4 – Reduce Food Insecurity by Helping Feed Those in Need Goal 4.4: Work toward an increase in the retention of children participating in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) after age 1 Goal 4.5: Work towards ensuring that state actions to deny, terminate or suspend SNAP applicants and program recipients comply with FNS requirements, by September 30, 2016 Goal 4.6: Work to ensure that States can continue to issue benefits via EBT in light of shifting marketplace conditions and changing technology Goal 4.7: Work toward ensuring access to FNS programs through informational strategies
Agency Priority 5 – Civil Rights: Ensuring Access, Equality and Respect in FNS Programs and Activities Goal 5.1: (Program Compliance) Ongoing development and implementation of a compliance process for civil rights oversight in SNAP, Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and Child Nutrition (CN) programs consistent with existing statutes, regulations and instructions Goal 5.2: (Program Compliant Processing) Ongoing development and implementation of a standardized approach to program discrimination compliance processing consistent with existing statutes, regulations and instructions Goal 5.3: (EEO Compliance and Training) Ensure FNS employees and managers are informed about their rights and responsibilities consistent with relevant statutes, regulations and departmental expectations
Agency Priority 5 – Civil Rights: Ensuring Access, Equality and Respect in FNS Programs and Activities Goal 5.4: (Policy) In FY 2016 provide education and outreach regarding revised food allergy guidelines for child nutrition programs consistent with applicable statutes, regulations and legal interpretations