Fun with Letters for Parents and Children
Reading is essential to school success. Start now to help your child get ready to read. Learning to read begins before children start school.
Why is it important for children to get ready to read before they start school? Children who start kindergarten with good pre-reading skills have an advantage. They are ready to learn to read.
Why are parents so important in helping their children get ready to read? You are your child’s first teacher. You know your child best. Children learn best by doing, and they love doing things with you.
Five simple practices help children get ready to read. Help your child get ready to read with simple activities every day.
Every child is unique. The five practices provide fun learning experiences for children of different ages and interests.
Use the language you know best to help your child get ready to read.
Learning letter names and sounds. Make it fun! Start with name songs. There is a child that I know best And Noah is his name oh, N-O-A-H, N-O-A-H, N-O-A-H And Noah is his name oh. Now you try. Your child should learn to: Name all 26 letters. Match letter names with letter shapes. Match letters with their sounds.
Talking about letters. Talk about letter names and sounds as you go through everyday activities. Talk about environmental print. Can you find an “M”? Can you find two “O”s? Can you find the letter at the beginning of your name?
Singing about letters. Let’s sing the alphabet song! Clapping once for each letter in the alphabet song helps children hear the sound of each individual letter.
Reading about letters. Let’s share an alphabet book. We have lots to choose from! Alphabet books help children learn letter names and sounds.
Writing letters. Make learning about letters a hands-on experience. Form letters from many materials. Make letter-shaped cookies (and eat them!). Trace letters. Use magnetic letters. “Write” your name in a tray of rice. Form letters with clay or pipe cleaners.
Writing letters. You can have fun writing letters anywhere!
Playing with letters. Play the Letter Day Game!
Have fun with letters every day. Have fun with letters in many ways! There are many ways to talk, sing, read, write, and play with letters.
Make your home a learning zone! Your home can be a learning center to help your child get ready to read.
Your library helps children get ready to read.
Talking and reading: We have books for you to take home and read together.
Singing: We have music to borrow.
Writing: We have places where you can write.
Playing: We have places to play and learn.
We have programs for all ages.
Join us for more fun workshops! Fun for Parents and Children Fun with Words Fun with Science and Math
We have programs for parents and caregivers so you can learn more about helping your children get ready to read.
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