Welcome, Students! Mrs. Mitchell
Classroom Schedule 7:30 - 8:05 Breakfast/Morning Work 8:05 - 9:35Reading Group 9: :30Language Arts 10: :30Math 11:30 -11:40Recess 11: :00Computer Lab 12:05 – 12:35Lunch 12:40 – 1:25Social Studies with Mrs. Gravley 1:25 – 2:00Science 2:00 – 2:05Pack Up 2:05 – 2:40Itinerant (Library, PE, Art) This is what a typical day in our classroom looks like.
Learn About Our Class in Room 21!!!! The teacher Class goals and community Subjects Homework procedures iPads Questions? Raise your hand, please.
My experience I’ve been teaching for 7 years. I taught 2nd grade and 3rd grade. I teach a night class at BHS. My background I grew up and still live in Figsboro. I attended Figsboro Elementary, Carver Middle School, Fieldale- Collinsville High School, and Averett University. Get to Know Me
My Family My husband’s name is Jordan Mitchell We have one son named Sydnor “Syd” Mitchell. He is in Mrs. Roupe’s preschool class this year. We have one dog named Petey.
Class Goals Learn new skills Discover new interests Make new friends Have fun and support each other
Classroom Community Listen to each other! When someone is talking to you, look at them and turn your body towards them to let them know you are listening. Respect each other! Mistakes will be made in this classroom!!! Don’t be so hard on yourself and learn to laugh at your mistakes. Don’t laugh at others for that will hurt feelings. Get along with one another! I can’t make you like everyone in this classroom but you will be nice to everyone!
Reading Corner Put books back in the container or shelf that you got them from! DO NOT JUMP/PLOP DOWN ON THE BEAN BAGS!!!!!!!! You will be band from sitting in them! This is not a place to talk to others when you are there.
Math Bookcase The bookcase contains math manipulatives. I must give you permission for you to get items off this bookcase. Please put these items back where you got them when finished.
Morning Procedures WALK down the hall to the classroom Come in quietly. Empty your book bag at your desk. Get folders, planner, iPad, and any other items out of your book bag at your desk. Hang book bag up Make lunch choice on SmartBoard Turn in folders in correct basket. If you have a note in your planner I need to see it in the morning!!!!! Eat breakfast and complete morning work
Breakfast The first few students may pass out breakfast after they have unpacked! One student will need to pass out the paper towels and the others need to pass out the food. I will pass out the pizza. It makes a mess!!! The juice and milk stays outside the door. Get what you need. DO NOT drink all of the juice. Only get one! Cynjae you must go to the office after you get off the bus (Spencer remind her) and you must go to the office after breakfast (Dazaria remind her)!!!
Morning Work This activity must be completed while you are eating breakfast! The assignment will be written on the board and I will be sure to remind you several times what you are to be working on. It may be cursive handwriting practice or math practice or writing in your planner. When finish you need to place it in the “Turn in Tray”. I assign checkers some mornings and their job will be to check completed morning work. If you do not finish then you place it in your desk and complete after reading group if there is time or for homework.
Sharpening Pencils You do not need to ask to sharpen your pencil. Two working pencil sharpeners!!!! No lines at the pencil sharpeners and this is not the time to talk. If I or anyone else is up speaking to the class, that is NOT the time to sharpen a pencil. PLEASE do not sharpen the colored pencils in the pencil sharpeners. Use provided hand trimmers for them.
Using the Bathroom You do not have to ask to use the bathroom! No lines at the bathroom and this is not the time to talk to others on the way. If I or anyone else is up speaking to the class, that is NOT the time to use the bathroom. If you make a mess in the bathroom clean it up.
Hallways I do not allow talking in the hallways. If you see someone you know just wave at them. When we switch classes you need to be very quiet. If someone is talking in the hallway, it is not your job to tell me or tell them to be quiet!!! That will get you in trouble also. You are in third grade it is not cool to be the first in line! We are all going to the same place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you fight over someone passing I will place all students arguing in the back of the line!
Lunch Room Sit at the correct table! Pod 3 Use good manners. I and others don’t want to be grossed out when eating lunch! Get what you need when you go through the line. You may buy extras but only 1 of each. Do not buy for other people. That’s a nice gesture but no! Do not ask for others packed lunch. If the class has silent lunch and you come to me and ask if we can talk I will add on 5 extra minutes. I will need someone to collect the silverware (do not put it on the table), collect the trays, and 2 people to wipe the tables.
iPads NO downloading pictures and I check regularly! Only use the given background pictures! They should be changed at home! If we are not using them they must be up! I will catch you if you are sneaking and using it during class!!!!! You must charge them at night. If you bring it to school dead, you will pull your clothes pin. When working on the internet you should be on the correct website. We will be using EDMODO this year and I can monitor when you log on!
Homework Word Study Math or Science or Social Studies activities You will be responsible for writing the homework assignments in your planner when I assign it! If your homework is not complete the next day you will pull your clothes pin.
Antonyms Synonyms Homophones Prefixes and Suffixes Syllables Vowel sounds Comma usage Contractions Nouns, verbs, pronouns Complete sentences Paragraphs Letter writing Persuasive writing Biographies Autobiographies Language Arts SOLWriting SOL
Science SOLSocial Studies SOL Animal behaviorsExplorers Habitats (populations/communities)Famous Americans Food chainsGovernment Moon phasesCommunities Day and Night cycleMali SeasonsGreece Simple Machines Energy Sources
Math SOL AdditionWord problems SubtractionArea/perimeter Graphs and ChartsMoney FractionsTime MultiplicationMeasurement Division Place value
Questions??? Let’s have a fabulous year!!!