SABRINA SHEFFIELD ENGL 1010 SPRING 2014 Oral Presentation
Pro Life Every unborn baby should have a chance of life. Their life should not be ended before it had the chance to begin. Their life should not be taken away by the one person they trust the most their mother.
Supporting Point 1 Abortions are being done every 94 minutes. Planned Parent hood clinics perform abortions Some people see a fetus as not human. In 2011 alone there were over 333,000 abortions performed in Planned Parent Hood clinics.
Supporting Point 2 Weeks abortions can take place. 12% women have to have a medical abortion 1% of women have an abortion do to rape.
Supporting Point 3 Most abortions are performed in the first trimester. A baby does most of it’s development in the first trimester. A little person growing inside a women.
The Opposing Viewpoint What about rape Medical reason for abortion Or a child being under age and parent makes choice for them. A women who raped should have a choice. A women who has to chose her life or her child should chose her life. And a parent making a choice for their minor child that is a choice they have to live with.
However… There are other options out there besides abortion. Adoption Or raising the child. A study, conducted in 2000, revealed that 78% of the 30% of women who had abortions after their rapes felt that they’d made the wrong decision and said that “abortion is not the answer for women who were raped.” In contrast, not a single one of the 70% who had their children regretted it.
Conclusion Every unborn baby should have the chance at life. If women who was raped would keep the child and chose not to abort it, because they know it’s a innocent child. Then why would a women who knew what could happen when having unprotected sex chose to abort. That child deserves the chance to live smile, laugh. Don’t punish the child for your mistakes. Do the right thing a child is always wanted by all. They are God’s gift to the world.
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