Megan Reed MWF 8 AM
“Steroids are hormones, and for body-building purposes the ones of interest are ‘anabolic’ steroids–a number of related compounds that mimic the effects of testosterone, the male hormone secreted by the testes. Anabolic steroids build strength by entering a muscle cell and switching on the genes that manufacture muscle proteins. “ Combined with exercise, steroids can produce quick gains for the athlete. They can improve both endurance (helping to workout longer) and speed (helping to run faster), both of which can be appealing for someone who is trying to get a college scholarship for sports.
The steroid that is used by athletes is called an anabolic steroid. By definition, an anabolic steroid is “a synthetic steroid hormone that resembles testosterone in promoting the growth of muscle. Such hormones are used medicinally to treat some forms of weight loss and (illegally) by some athletes and others to enhance physical performance” (
Steroids are either taken orally, in pill form, or intramuscularly by hypodermic needle. Oral steroids are ingested like food, through the stomach and small intestine. Liquid steroids are injected into the body.
High school athletes College athletes Professional athletes Anybody can use steroids, and it is happening at a younger age in today’s society. Athletes at the high school level are using steroids more and more as they see their role models (pro athletes) use them. It is not just men using them. Women are beginning to use them as well.
“ Steroids, like all drugs, act by manipulating the levels of chemicals the body already produces. It the case of steroids, the chemical is the hormone testosterone. Testosterone is found in both men and women but it is far more prevalent in men. It is the hormone that gives men facial hair, deeper voices and, of coarse, larger muscles. When a user ingests steroids there are several processes that the body goes through. The first process, called absorption, deals with how the drug is administered. Steroids are either taken orally, in pill form, or intramuscularly by hypodermic needle. Oral steroids are ingested like food, through the stomach and small intestine. Acids in the stomach break down the pills and separate the testosterone from the carrier substances in the pill. The drugs are then carried through the small intestine and the liver before entering the blood stream. Injecting steroids bypasses the digestive tract and puts the drug directly into the bloodstream.
During the distribution process is when steroids begin their work. Distribution is just the drug moving through the body by way of the blood stream. Testosterone, like all hormones, acts as a chemical messenger to the body. As steroids move through the body, they send their message by attaching themselves to specialized protein receptors in cells that trigger the growth of new proteins. These proteins build muscle mass and strength throughout the body. This process occurs naturally in the body without the use of steroids, but the drugs increase the amount of testosterone in the body and the frequency in which they bind to the proteins in the cells. It is this increase in biological activity, called Ribonucleic Acid Activity, or RNA activity, that gives steroid users their exaggerated muscle mass” (
Steroids do not effect just one part of the body. They can have major effects on almost every part of the body. Many of these effects can be short term, but some can also last for longer periods. Acne Mood swings Aggressive behavior High blood pressure Heightened sex characteristics (increased facial and body hair and deeper voice in women; baldness and impotence in men) Liver damage
Brain: can cause brain cancer, depression, violent behavior Eyes/Skin: can turn a yellowish color Voice: can deepen a women’s voice to make her sound like a man Heart Attack Stroke Liver Cancer
Athletes use steroids to get bigger, faster, stronger. They want to be the best athlete, but they don’t want to work as hard. They end up cheating their way to the top of the charts. They are often suspected of using steroids often ruining their career.
Barry Bonds is considered one of the best major league baseball players ever to play. In 2003 Bonds became part of a steroid scandal when Greg Anderson of BALCO was indicted by the federal grand jury and charged with supplying anabolic steroids to athletes. Bonds has declared his innocence besides all of the evidence against him. Barry Bonds was indicted by the federal government on perjury and obstruction of justice charges on November 15, He is currently a free agent and has complained that no team will pick him up even for the league minimum salary.
On February 9, 2009 Alex Rodriguez admitted to using banned anabolic steroids and performance enhancing drugs during the seasons. Major league baseball didn’t have a steroid policy in place until the 2004 season, so Alex is not subject to punishment from the league. He tested positive during a 2003 league survey test in which 104 major league players tested positive for steroids.
Athletes need to stop using anabolic steroids to enhance their performance. They need to earn being the best by working hard for it, not by taking some drug to better themselves. “Anabolic Steroid Abuse.” Aug Web. 28 March Johnson, Bryan. “Top 10 Sports Figures Whose Careers are Tarnished by Steroids.” TopTenz. 13 Feb Web. 31 March Muscle and Strength. “Steroids and Their Harmful Side Effects.” Web. 1 Apr "Historical Timeline." 8 Aug Web. 1 Apr “How Steroids Work in the Body.” 31 Aug Web. 1 April 2014.