Classical Conditioning Stimulus, Response, Neutral Stimulus Conditioned Stimulus, & Conditioned Response
Here ’ s What He Used … Stimulus Conditioned Stimulus (CS) Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) Neutral Stimulus (NS) Unconditioned Response (UCR) Conditioned Response (CR)
Diagram This Situation … Connor loves Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream from the local ice cream shop. He never paid much attention to the ice cream scooper they used to scoop the ice cream until one day the scooper flew out of the server ’ s hand and hit him in the head and gave him a terrible headache. Now every time he walks by the ice cream shop he gets a splitting headache. In the story above, list the following: Neutral Stimulus (NS): _______________ Response (R): ______________________________ Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS): __________________ Unconditioned Response (UCR): _________________ Conditioned Stimulus (CS): ___________________ Conditioned Response (CR): ___________________
Tough to do when you don’t know what the terms mean. So let’s learn what they mean…
What ’ s a STIMULUS? A stimulus is something that causes a response
Unconditioned Stimulus A stimulus that you did not have to be TAUGHT to react to. You react by instinct
Unconditioned Response A response from a stimulus that you DID NOT have to be trained to react to
Conditioned Stimulus A stimulus that you have to be TAUGHT to react to.
Conditioned Response A response to a stimulus that you had to be trained to react to
Neutral Stimulus A stimulus that doesn ’ t mean anything to you yet
What ’ s My Name?
Classical Conditioning Pavlov studied how a person could control a dog ’ s behavior He especially focused on dog drool
Classical Conditioning Pavlov wanted the dogs to drool every time he rang a bell
What ’ s happening here?
Now the Learning Process …
Pavlov then rang the bell as he showed the dog food … And the dog drooled!
After awhile, Pavlov only had to ring the bell) and the dog would drool!
Diagram This Situation … Connor loves Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream from the local ice cream shop. He never paid much attention to the ice cream scooper they used to scoop the ice cream until one day the scooper flew out of the server ’ s hand and hit him in the head and gave him a terrible headache. Now every time he walks by the ice cream shop and sees the server reach for the ice cream scooper he gets a splitting headache. In the story above, list the following: Neutral Stimulus (NS): _______________ Response (R): ______________________________ Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS): __________________ Unconditioned Response (UCR): _________________ Conditioned Stimulus (CS): ___________________ Conditioned Response (CR): ___________________
You will see the terms of Classical Conditioning everywhere now that you know about them.