1 Softball Freshman Physical Education Curriculum
2 History of Softball…Chicago’s Game The game of softball started in Chicago on Thanksgiving Day 1887 at the Farragut Boat Club when Yale and Harvard Alumni wrapped up a boxing glove and started to hit the “ball” with a broomstick. Those men formalized the indoor game, and eventually the game was played outdoors. In Chicago, the parks and school grounds are small, so the ball had to be larger to stay in the park…Thus, the 16” diameter became the size of choice and the game of choice during the depression, since only a bat and ball were needed. No-glove softball has been famous in the Chicago area since the 1920’s.
3 Slowpitch Softball Team Each team consists of 10 Players. Infielders: Pitcher, Catcher, 1 st Base, 2 nd Base, Shortstop, 3 rd Base. Outfielders: Left Field, Center Field, Short Center, Right Field.
4 Game Play Game is played in innings, teams alternate turns at bat and in the field throughout a regulation softball game of seven innings. One inning consists of: each team taking their turn at bat and in the field. Three Outs constitutes one half an Inning. The Team scoring the most runs at the end of the game is considered the winner.
5 Terminology Ball: a pitched ball that does not go over the plate in the strike zone. Defensethe team :on the field Defensethe team :on the field Double: a two base hit. Double Play: a defensive play that results in two outs as a result of continuous action. Error: a mishandling of the ball by a defensive player. Fair Ball: a ball hit within the area boundaries of the field, or touching first, second, third base.
6 More terms Fly Ball: any ball batted into the air. Foul Ball: a ball hit outside of the baseline. It is determined by: infield- where the ball rests. Outfield- where it hits first. Foul Tip: a foul ball which goes directly from the bat, not higher than the batter’s head, to the catcher’s hands and is legally caught.
7 More Terms Force out: runner is forced to move may tag runner or touch base. Homerun: a ball batted into fair territory which enable the batter to touch all four bases. Infield: the portion of the field which is included within the diamond made by the baseline. Line Drive: an aerial ball batted sharply and directly into the field. Offense: team at bat.
8 More terms Overthrow: when a ball is thrown past 1 st or 3 rd base into foul territory the runner may advance more than one base. Single: a one base hit. Strike: A batter swings at a pitched ball and misses or a ball that is hit, goes foul. Strike Zone: the area over the plate between the back shoulder and knees.
9 More terms Tag Out: runner moving because he wants to. Runner must be tagged before (s)he get to the base.Tag Out: runner moving because he wants to. Runner must be tagged before (s)he get to the base. Triple: a three base hit.
10 Base running A runner must touch bases in legal order: first, second, third, Home plate. A runner may overrun first base only. If the runner turns toward second, they may be tagged out.
11 A batter becomes a base runner when… As soon as (s)he hits a fair ball. When four balls have been called. When a catcher interferes with or prevents a batter from striking at a pitched ball. When (s)he is hit by a pitched ball while in the batter’s box.
12 Base runner is out when… The ball reaches first base and is caught and held before the runner reaches the base. (S)he is tagged with the ball before reaching first base or at any time when not in contact with the base. Batter’s fly ball is caught. Batter interferes with the fielder trying to catch the ball. When running to any base, (s)he runs more than 3 feet outside the baseline.
13 Base runner is out when… (S)he is forced out at a base. (S)he passes a base runner. (S)he fails to return to base before ball reaches the baseman following a fair fly that is caught. (S)he leaves base before the ball leaves pitcher’s hand. (S)he is hit in fair batted ball while off base before it touched by or passes a fielder.
14 A Base runner may Advance when.. On a fair ball with chance of being put out After fair or foul fly is caught. When base runner must advance to make room on base for a batter who has walked. Gets one base when fielder interferes with runner. May advance one base on an overthrown ball into foul territory. May advance any number of bases when ball is overthrown into fair territory.