Mockernut Hickory By: Grayson, Michael, Brandon
Common and Scientific Name Common Name: Mockernut Hickory Scientific Name: Carya tomentosa
Interesting Facts 1. You can use the wood to smoke meat. 2. Babe Ruth’s bat was made out of Mockernut wood. 3. They can get feet tall. 4. They grow very slow. 5. If a Mockernut falls or is cut down, sprouts can grow from the stump.
Uses of wood The wood is used for handles, basketry, baseball bats, and agricultural implements.
Day 1: Our Tree <3
Ants like our tree
Something ate holes in our leaves
Smooth Bark
Our last day with the tree
Thing we enjoyed the most Michael- Being out of the classroom, in nature. Grayson- Enjoying the fresh air our tree produced. Brandon- Doing a interactive project with my two best friends .
Poem Hickory Small Tall Breathing Growing Producing Shade Oxygen Bark Leaves Leaning Swaying Standing Beautiful Green Tree
Cited Sources