Nuclear Skills – Labour Market Research Dr Brian P Murphy – Director, Science and Research Cogent Sector Skills Council Limited Nuclear Advisory Council Energus Cumbria 28 th April, 2009
Nuclear Research 1. Review 2. Drivers Schedule Examples 2009
Nuclear Research 1. Review
Cogent and the National Skills Academy Nuclear Employer Demand Industry Standard Qualifications Quality Assured Provision Employee CPD Learning Record COGENT ACADEMY Research Labour Market Intelligence Skills Supply and Demand Monitoring Data Education & Qualifications Industry Standards (NOS) Qualification Reform Frameworks Nuclear Passport Individual learner record Transfer of skills Provider Network Quality assured programmes Through quality assured providers
Nuclear Research 2. Drivers 2009
UK Nuclear future prior to 2008 Nuclear
Nuclear is part of the answer Nuclear Energy is zero carbon Nuclear Provides Energy Security Current capacity 11GWe 15-17% baseload Replacement equals 6-10 new PWRs 3-10 stations Higher baseload possible 40% Nuclear?
Nuclear Facts – what it means for skills Worlds first Commercial Reactor at Calder Hall 1956 Programme trebled following the Suez crisis Now 17% of power generation (11GWe) Now 19 reactors and 1 will remain in operation by proposals for SSA (4+1 in North) Built up over half a century, the UK has capacity and capability to deliver all aspects of the nuclear cycle
LMI Aims Deliver the skills picture Understand what skills are required and when
Nuclear Research 3. Schedule 2009
1. The Civil Operating Workforce April – May 2009 Job Contexts Skill Levels Replacement demand Decommissioning Scenarios New Build Scenarios 2. The Defence Workforce June – July 2009 First national LMI for defence Defence scenarios Common classification with Civil 3. New Build Skills Capacity and Capability Sept - Oct 2009 New Build Cross-Sector Analysis Skill Levels and Gaps Time for new build transition 4. Nuclear Skills Futures - Workforce Supply and Demand Nov - Dec 2009 Integration of Reports 1-3 Whole industry picture International supply chain Skill roles, levels and gaps Skills Gaps Cogent Research Publications 2009
LMI Features Sectors Energy Production Operations (BE, Magnox North) Decommissioning Operations (NDA/SLCs) Process Operations (Urenco, Springfields, Thorp) Maintenance Operations New Build Demand (Scenarios) Contractors MoD (Propulsion, AWE) Workforces Job Contexts Skill Levels Age Profile Analyses Current Establishment Demand Projections Attrition rates Supply-Demand Analysis Scenario Sensitivity Skills Gaps
Nuclear Research 4.Examples 2009 Civil Nuclear Workforce (CNW) New Build Skills Capacity and Capability (NBSCC)
Nuclear Research 4.Examples 2009 Civil Nuclear Workforce (CNW) New Build Skills Capacity and Capability (NBSCC)
NBSCC – Draft and unapproved Forecast UK workforce total demand for manufacture, construct and commission 4 PWR power stations for operation 2019 to 2023 (Including Construction data from NIA report “The UK capability to deliver a new nuclear build programme”) Cogent retro-analysis of NIA scenarios
Research Methodology cross-sector LMI Employer-validated Stakeholder-tested For each PWR design LMI projection Design and Planning (CSkills) Equipment Manufacture (OND) Engineering Construction, Installation (ECITB) Nuclear Commissioning and Operation (Cogent/E&USkills) Maintenance (Cogent/ECITB)
NBSCC - Draft and unapproved 1 new PWR
NBSCC - Draft and unapproved
“ Working Higher” for Nuclear Dr Brian P Murphy – Director, Science and Research Cogent Sector Skills Council Limited Nuclear Advisory Counci Energus Cumbria 28 th April, 2009
Cogent and the National Skills Academy Nuclear Employer Demand Industry Standard Qualifications Quality Assured Provision Employee CPD Learning Record COGENT ACADEMY Research Labour Market Intelligence Skills Supply and Demand Monitoring Data Education & Qualifications Industry Standards (NOS) Qualification Reform Frameworks Nuclear Passport Individual learner record Transfer of skills Provider Network Quality assured programmes Through quality assured providers
Leitch Higher Level Skills Share of National Employment by Qualification Level
150,000 fewer 18-year olds in 2019 (280,000 cumulative)
Working Futures (UKCES Feb 2009)
HE is big business Source: UUK 2009
“Working Higher” - FD Framework £3m 200 ASNs Co-funding
Governance, Management, Implementation Executive (Chaired by Dean at Hull, twice yearly) Programme Board (Chaired by FDF, quarterly) HE Consortium (Tenders by May 2009) Evaluation (Research on WFD) Strands –Nuclear –Chemicals –Polymers (Materials) –Refineries –Bioscience (Pharmaceuticals) Co-funding Sustainability
ASNs and FTEs Total (new ASN headcount in each year) Nuclear Polymers15 60 Petroleum15 60 Bioscience Chemical ASN headcount (additional) FTE (additional assuming workforce rate of 0.5 ftes)
Where next?