Programming Efforts for Niche Pig Farmers - Nutrition Eric van Heugten Department of Animal Science N.C. State University
Nutritionist’s Objective Minimizing feed costs while maximizing product yield – 70% of production cost can be feed costs – Nutrient composition of diet vs. nutrient requirements of the animals – Economics of growth performance Providing a balanced and palatable feed ration to pigs
Concepts in Nutrition Life-stage feeding programs – Gestating sows - Limit feeding – Lactating sows - maximize milk production – Weaned pigs - Transition diets – Finishing pigs - Maximize efficiency
All pigs need a source of: Protein - 10 essential amino acids Energy - Starch, fiber, and fat Vitamins and Minerals - Calcium, Phosphorus, sodium, chloride, zinc, iron, manganese, copper, iodine, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B 12, riboflavin, d-pantothenate, 26.5 mg; niacin
Diet Selection Complete PremixConcentrate Provide all required nutrients No on-farm mixing Low flexibility Greater cost Provides all vitamins, minerals and amino acids On-farm mixing Medium flexibility Medium cost Provide all vitamins and micro-minerals On-farm mixing Good flexibility Lower cost Provides all vitamins and minerals On-farm mixing Medium flexibility Medium-low cost Base Mix
Diet Selection Complete PremixConcentrateBase Mix Complete FeedCorn 70% Concentrate 30% Corn 70% SBM 25% Base Mix 5% Corn 71.75% SBM 25% Monocal P 1.5% Limestone 1.0 Salt 0.5 Premix 0.25
Feeding Program Selection Pig Feed Gestation diet Lactation diet Nursery diet I Nursery diet II Nursery diet III Nursery diet IV Grower diet I Grower diet II Grower diet III Finisher diet IV Finisher diet V Finisher diet VI Gestation/Late Fin Lactation/Grower Gestation diet Lactation diet Nursery diet Grower diet Finisher diet
Feeding Program Selection PhaseComplexityLysine %CostByproduct GestationLow0.5 – LactationLow0.8 – NurseryHigh1.2 – FinisherLow0.6 – Effort vs. Potential Return
Use of byproducts/alternative ingredients Consider quality and variability – Source and processing – Value to manufacturer or waste product – Water Digestible nutrient profile – Can it be used to replace more expensive ingredients? Health hazards and anti-nutritional factors Meat quality
Pork Quality - “yellow fat disease” Gross backfat and lipofuscin deposition Lu et al., 2014
Pork Quality - “yellow fat disease” Gross backfat and lipofuscin deposition Lu et al., 2014
Soft Fat Issues
Know your feed and ingredients NCDA Feed Analysis $10/sample; No commercial samples – Moisture – Protein – Fiber (ADF, NDF) – Minerals (Calcium, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc) – Ash – Fat Mycotoxins (Free, except fumonisin)
NCDA Feed Analysis Example Report Common Nutrient Ranges for Complete Feeds: Crude Protein:10 – 24% Calcium:0.5 to 1.2% Phosphorus:0.4 to 1.0% Copper:5 to 300 ppm Iron:80 to 400 ppm Manganese:10 to 100 ppm Zinc:80 to 200
Example NCDA Analysis Report