for the NSTX Five-Year Research Program 2009 – 2013 M.G. Bell Facility and Diagnostic Plans
MGB / 5-Year Planning / Ambitious Plan for 2004 – 8 Thwarted by Inadequate Funding
MGB / 5-Year Planning / EBW and HHFW: What is Feasible? EBW to drive localized current was part of previous plan –Supplement bootstrap current and stabilize NTMs Emission measurements cast doubt on achieving needed efficiency of EM/EBW mode-conversion in H-mode plasmas –Characteristics of edge plasma are critical Planning for test of 15/28 GHz, 100/200 kW system for 2008 (with ORNL) –Only for startup ECH initially Would need major upgrade and space for launcher to EBWCD system Upgrade to symmetric end-fed straps for HHFW –Increase power by factor 2 –Allow us to use one HHFW port for EBW launcher
MGB / 5-Year Planning / Supersonic Gas Injection and Solid Pellets Injector for room-temp. solids installed and used in experiments –Lithium, boron, carbon pellets and doped “TESPELs” –20 – 100 m/s with up to 8 pellets/shot –Propose to inject lithium dust in ‘07 for wall coating Supersonic gas injector installed and used in experiments –Upgrade to inject at higher Mach number in ‘07 Deuterium pellet injector proposed in collaboration with ORNL remains unfunded –Multiple pellets/shot capability –Outside mid-plane launch initially with later upgrade to guided inside launch
MGB / 5-Year Planning / Development and Deployment of Compact Toroid Injector Delayed CT injector used on Tokamak de Varennes available to NSTX –Collaboration with University of Washington High field gradient of ST well suited to CT injection –Variable fuel mass and deposition location Provide momentum injection (each c.t. 50ms of 1MW NBI) –Induce H-modes (STOR-M, TdeV) or ITBs –Transport studies by isotopic impurity tailoring –Prompt density injection to avoid locked modes Need to perform development and testing in lab. before installing on NSTX UWa proposed to investigate development of multi-shot capability
MGB / 5-Year Planning / Investigated Two Methods for Coating Plasma Facing Components with Lithium 1. Lithium pellet injection –Dramatic effect on density in ‘05, but tedious –Multiple pellet capability not yet useful –Lithium dust injection may provide better alternative 2. Lithium evaporator –Modest benefits in ‘06 LITER-1 experiments - why? –Need several evaporators to cover NSTX divertor –Attempt to improve single evaporator for ‘07 –Possible change from carbon PFCs in FY’07
MGB / 5-Year Planning / Divertor Cryo-Pump for Density Control Proven technique Requires adequate conductance from neutralization region Compatibility (physical & fiscal) with liquid lithium questionable 2. Shield on inner divertor Suitable for ~ 0.8 Installation on center stack Repositioned Secondary Passive Stabilizer Cryo-pump 1. Behind secondary plates Suitable for ≤ 0.5 Requires plate relocation
MGB / 5-Year Planning / Upgrade of Divertor Tiles for Long-Pulse Operation at High Power Present divertor tiles of ATJ graphite Limit surface to 1200C to avoid radiation-enhanced sublimation “carbon blooms” Measurements indicate tiles adequate for 3s at full NB + HHFW power Investigate heat-flux mitigation techniques –Strike-point sweeping –Enhanced divertor radiation Assess need for material upgrade –CFC, refractory metals, possibly combined with lithium coating –Benefit from accumulated experience of LTX (Li), C-Mod (Mo) and ASDEX (W)
MGB / 5-Year Planning / Liquid Lithium Surface Module Will Address Important Reactor Issues Potential solution for both power and particle handling –Possibilities for “advanced” regimes: long-pulse with CD –Liquid Li tray in CDX-U dramatically reduced recycling Original scheme: modules ~1m 2 with flowing Li close to plasma