BED 105: Advanced Pedagogy and Application of ICT Activity On: BlendedLearning BY: Rachana.Shinde (82)
D EFINITION OF B LENDED L EARNING Blended learning is a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through delivery of content and instruction via digital and online media with some element of student control over time, place, path, or pace. Blended Learning is an approach to course design that brings together the best of both face-to-face and online strategies. This combination aims to build from each approach to create an innovative and effective learning experience for stud ents.
B ENEFITS : Additional courses Flexibility Scheduling Variety of experiences Personalized learning Use of technology
T HE M ETAMORPHOSIS OF B LENDED L EARNING What if the focus of Blended Learning changed from “brick and mortar vs. online” to using the most appropriate methods for maximizing learning? Learner self-reflection Collaboration with peers
T HREE M ODELS OF B LENDED L EARNING The Program in Course Redesign, funded by the Pew foundation, identified three types of blended learning: The Supplemental Model The Replacement Model The Emporium Model
T HE S UPPLEMENTAL M ODEL The supplemental model retains the basic structure of the traditional course and a) supplements lectures and textbooks with technology- based, out-of-class activities, or b) also changes what goes on in the class by creating an active learning environment within a large lecture hall setting.
T HE R EPLACEMENT M ODEL The replacement model reduces the number of in-class meetings, or classroom "seat-time," and: replaces some in-class time with out-of-class, online, interactive learning activities makes significant changes in remaining in-class meetings. Consequently, the nature of the in-class activities is changed as well. Instead of traditional lectures, in-class time is freed for more interactive, collaborative learning experiences.
T HE E MPORIUM M ODEL The emporium model eliminates all class meetings and replaces them with a learning resource center featuring online materials and on-demand personalized assistance, using: an open attendance model Or a required attendance model depending on student motivation and experience levels.
6 T YPES OF B LENDED L EARNING Face to Face Driver Rotation Flex Online Lab Self-Blend Online Driver There are six major types of blended learning:
“F ACE TO F ACE D RIVER ” B LENDED M ODEL The "face-to-face driver" model, in which a teacher in a traditional classroom instructional setting employs online learning for remediation or supplemental instruction;
“R OTATION ” B LENDED M ODEL The “Rotation: model” in which students move back and forth between online and classroom instruction.
“F LEX ” B LENDED M ODEL "Flex," a model in which the curriculum is delivered primarily through an online platform, with teachers providing onsite support;
“O NLINE L AB ” B LENDED M ODEL The "online lab" approach, wherein an online course is delivered in a physical classroom or computer lab
“S ELF -B LEND ” B LENDED M ODEL "Self-blend," a model in which students choose on their own which courses they take online to supplement their schools' offerings.
“O NLINE D RIVER ” B LENDED M ODEL The "online driver" model, where the courses are primarily online and physical facilities are used only for extracurricular activities, required check-ins, or similar functions.
A PPLICATIONS OF B LENDED L EARNING IN E DUCATION : The Ability for schools to maintain their central role in managing a student’s educational process and personalizing instruction. Providing curriculum developers and teachers the flexibility to address standards and maintain curriculum fidelity while integrating digital contents and learning experiences that better engage 21 st century learners. Giving teachers valuable experiences in using technology effectively their professional development courses, preparing them to use blended models creatively and strategically as this approach becomes more and more prevalent in the classroom.
Q UESTIONNAIRES : 1. What do you mean by of blended learning? 2. Which are different types of blended learning? 3. What are the applications of blended learning? 4. What are the advantages of blended learning? 5. What are the disadvantages of blended learning?
REFERENCES: Advanced Pedagogy- By Dr.Dipak Chavan Wikipedia.org Edglossary.org Blended Learning in higher Education - By D.Randy Garrison & Norman D.Vaughn