Dept. of Restorative Dentistry Dental College, Zulfi Almajmaa University Saudi Arabia
Define operative Dentistry Mention indications of operative dentistry procedures Describe goals of operative dentistry procedures
Define categories of materials used in operative dentistry List various materials utilized in operative dentistry Define and differentiate between direct and indirect restorations Mention objectives of modern research trends in biomaterials in respect to operative techniques
Clinical operative dentistry Preclinical operative dentistry
Operative dentistry is the science and art dealing with diagnosis and treatment of any Defect that occurs in the hard tooth structures of human teeth
Training of operative dentistry technique given on dummy models (Phantom Heads)
Operative dentistry
1. Caries
2. Discolored teeth
3. Congenetically malformed teeth
4. Fractured teeth
5. Diastema closure
7. Old restoration replacement or repair
Dental restorations or fillings are used to restore function and integrity to the structure of teeth
1. Direct restoration 2. Indirect restoration
Direct restorations are performed by placing the restorative material directly into tooth cavity Examples: amalgam, glass ionomers, resin ionomers & composite fillings
Indirect restorations involve materials that have been fabricated outside the mouth Examples include: inlays, onlays, veneers, crowns and bridges
An intracoronal restoration prepared outside the mouth and luted into the cavity
An extension of an inlay that covers some, but not the entire, occlusal surface of the tooth
Development of materials and operative techniques to bond restorative materials completely to tissues of teeth
1. Reduce the necessity for extensive tooth preparation
2. Strengthen the remaining tooth structure
3. Less microleakage & less recurrent caries
4. increased retention of restoration
restorationmetallic Pure metal alloys Non metallic Composi te ceramic
PURE METALS:ALLOYS: gold Silver amalgam Cobalt chromium Nickel chromium
COMPOSITE:CERAMIC: Dental composite resins GIC restorations porcelain
Mat used for Cavity lining / basing Temporary filling (Packing) Permanent filling (Definitive Filling)