HAPPY/SAD – KRISTA WILL START Sad: I have lost my voice. Pretty sure I have laryngitis. My friend in Denver, who I saw over the weekend, had it for a week. His friends had it for 3 days and a month respectively. Considering I get to present next week, where the session will be recorded and broadcasted virtually, my anxiety is great that I will be croaking at people. Happy: I don’t feel sick and I was able to get a lot of stuff done this week.
AGENDA FOR TODAY 1.Scheduling stuff 2.Need week 11 and finals week availability 3.Comments on new QC standards 4.What to do when Krista is gone next week
SCHEDULING STUFF 1.No one is working Thur, Nov 26th or Fri, Nov 27 th (Thanksgiving) 2.Working Dec 23rd is optional (Krista is gone but other staff are here) 3.No one is working Thurs, Dec 24th or Fri, Dec 25 th (remote hours are okay for the 24 th but not the 25 th. Technically not allowed to work when university is closed)
NEED AVAILABILITY FOR WEEK 11 AND FINALS WEEK 1.You can work up to 40 hours a week as soon as you are done with your final exams/projects 2.Only 4 computer stations are available finals week due to exams being taken in room J Krista with desired work schedule for week 11 (Dec 7- 11) and finals week (Dec 14-18)
QC STANDARDS Ipshita and I looked at survey and came up with proposed standards. You’ll have option to add after reading what we came up with
FOOTNOTES – ADDITIONAL TEXT THAT IS AT BOTTOM OF PAGE 1.T2 – do not include footnotes. Exceptions: if there is a lot of text in footnotes, follow T3 guidelines for footnotes 2.T3 – Include at the end of the page. Breaking sentence is okay but try not to break word. Insert word “Footnotes”. Do not make the numbers into MathML or exponents. If footnotes/endnotes are using Greek symbols, it may be appropriate to format in MathML.
MARGIN NOTES – SMALL AMOUNTS OF TEXT IN MARGIN, LIKE VOCAB WORDS 1.T2 – do not include margin notes Exceptions: if there is a lot of text in margin notes, follow T3 guidelines for margin notes 2.T3 – Include at the end of the page. Breaking sentence is okay but try not to break word. Insert word “margin notes”.
SUPPLEMENTAL TEXT = LARGE CHUNKS OF TEXT THAT ARE NOT MAIN TEXT 1.T2 – do not include supplement text. Exceptions: if there is a lot of content, follow T3 guidelines for supplemental text 2.T3 – Include at the end of the page. Breaking sentence is okay but try not to break word. Insert the name of the supplemental text as given in the book (for example, “Case Study”) -large amounts and importance
VISUAL ELEMENTS = GRAPHS, PICTURES, TABLES, IMAGES, FIGURE, CHARTS, ETC… 1.T2 – Include title as text, include visual element as a picture (don’t include title), include caption (if one exists) as text. Include at the end of the paragraph where it’s first mentioned. 2.T3 – Include title as text, include visual element as a picture (don’t include title), include caption (if one exists) as text. Include at the end of the paragraph where it’s first mentioned. Add alt text to visual element. If visual element is anything that can be typed out (like table or data), that content needs to be text. See
BROKEN WORDS = HYPHEN IN THE MIDDLE OF WORD BECAUSE WORD SPLITS ACROSS LINE OR PAGE 1.T2 – broken words should be fixed 2.T3 – broken words should be fixed Note to krista make sure everyone knows about replace all Replace all, ^m (pg break) replace with ^l (line break)
BROKEN SENTENCES = SENTENCE SPANS ACROSS 2 PAGES 1.T2 – broken sentences should be left as they are 2.T3 – broken sentences should be left as they are (this is consistent across industry according to Alternate Media listserv. Rationale is for citation purposes. Actually came through yesterday and day prior)
IF EMERGENCY/URGENT-- TEXT OR CALL What this includes: 1.Broken technology 2.Overscheduling 3.Crisis in office 4.You have no clue what to do Jon might be the best staff member to talk to first (if he’s available). Try Sam next.
WHEN TO KRISTA When information is needed but it can wait hours for a response What this includes: 1.Changed schedule last min 2.FYI or heads up 3.Question about assignment or book I check frequently while I’m away but may not respond until much later.
LAST SLIDE Anything else I missed? Questions?