Why should we grow food in cities? What needs to change to make it happen? From Plains to Plate Eric Nicholson13 February, 2010
Permaculture (or Permanent Agriculture) is “the conscious design and maintenance of productive ecosystems that have the diversity, stability and resilience of natural ecosystems. It is the harmonious integration of landscape and people providing their food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs in a sustainable way.” –From “Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual” by Bill Mollison Sustainable in this context means “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” –From The United Nation’s Brundtlund Commission of Environment and Development
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Mohandas Ghandi
Be the change you wish to see We all need to take greater responsibility for our lives – we must: –learn to reduce our impact on the planet –create stronger, more resilient communities –share the Earth’s resources more equitably
The Ethics of Permaculture: –Care of the Earth Rebuild natural capital –Care of People Nurture the self, kin and community –Fair Share Redistribute surplus – set limits to consumption and reproduction Be the change you wish to see
Why should we grow food in cities? Be the change you wish to see
Why should we grow food in cities? –Most people live in cities Be the change you wish to see
Why should we grow food in cities? –Most people live in cities –Everyone needs to eat Be the change you wish to see
Why should we grow food in cities? –Most people live in cities –Everyone needs to eat –Nobody cares as much about what you eat as you do (or at least you should care the most) Be the change you wish to see
What you can do: grow your own food share a backyard with a neighbour join a community garden guerrilla garden in your community (make idle land productive) eat wild edible foods (get to know your local vegetation) glean unharvested fruit from trees overhanging footpaths (no waste) shop at local food co-ops (or start your own if necessary) swap excess food at fruit ‘n veg exchanges (no waste) shop at farmers markets (get to know your local food producers) subscribe to community shared agriculture schemes (e.g. Food Connect) shop at organic retail outlets or small, independent grocers Be the change you wish to see
What needs to change to make it happen? Be the change you wish to see
What needs to change to make it happen? –You do! (It is possible to change your behaviour, you just have to want to change) Be the change you wish to see
What needs to change to make it happen? –You do! (It is possible to change your behaviour, you just have to want to change) –This change does not have to happen suddenly, it just has to happen (i.e. transition) Be the change you wish to see
So, the first step is obviously learning – becoming more fully aware of all of the issues related to food systems and what your options are for making a change Be the change you wish to see
One of the main objectives of PEZ is to establish a Sustainability Demonstration Site, or City Farm, in Adelaide’s Parklands By having such a site in the heart of metropolitan Adelaide, PEZ will be able to readily provide the educational services required to up-skill the population – especially children and youth in schools Be the change you wish to see
Ultimately, PEZ aims to educate current and future generations to live more sustainably, particularly in terms of food production and the re-cycling of food waste (i.e. composting) Achieving food security is empowering –The best way to achieve this is by growing your own food or by joining shared food production ventures in your community Be the change you wish to see
Take home messages: Be the change you wish to see
Take home messages: –The status quo is not an option Be the change you wish to see
Take home messages: –The status quo is not an option –Take responsibility for your impact on the environment Be the change you wish to see
Take home messages: –The status quo is not an option –Take responsibility for your impact on the environment –Become an urban farmer! (and/or a permaculturalist) Be the change you wish to see
"What permaculturists are doing is the most important activity that any group is doing on the planet. We don't know what details of a truly sustainable future are going to be like, but we need options, we need people experimenting in all kinds of ways and permaculturists are one of the critical gangs that are doing that." Dr. David Suzuki Be the change you wish to see