Standards-based Grading and Reporting Information for Parents
Our discussion will address— standards-based grading and reporting the rationale for implementing standards-based grading and reporting in MCPS the alignment between Curriculum 2.0 and standards-based grading and reporting components of the Curriculum 2.0 report card
What is Standards-based Grading and Reporting and Why are We Implementing It?
What is standards-based grading and reporting? It is a comprehensive system that: aligns instruction and assessment to standards aligns grades to standards
Standards-based teaching and learning: links instruction and grading to standards provides an accurate reflection of what students know and are able to do increases student achievement Why are we implementing standards- based grading and reporting?
How are Curriculum 2.0 and Standards-based Grading and Reporting Aligned?
Curriculum 2.0 Instructional Cycle
Identifying Learning Goals
Curriculum 2.0 Organization Curriculum 2.0 Organization Measurement Topics Related learning goals are organized into Measurement Topics. Each content in Curriculum 2.0 contains two or more Measurement Topics.
Measurement Topics Common Core State Standards Math Reading Writing align with Science Social Studies Art Music Physical Education Maryland State Curriculum Measurement Topics in: ESOL Measurement Topics in: World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment Curriculum 2.0 align with
Measurement Topics Science Life Science Earth and Space Science Engineering and Technology Physical Science
Parent’s Guide to Curriculum 2013–2014
Plan Instruction
Proficiency Statements Every Measurement Topic has a corresponding proficiency statement. A proficiency statement provides clarity on what students should know or be able to do by the end of the year within a Measurement Topic.
Proficiency Statement Science, Grade 5 Engineering and Technology Students demonstrate proficiency of Grade 5 standards for this measurement topic by: Understanding Explanations- Explaining relationships among technology, humans, and the natural world. Understanding the engineering design process and its application to real-world situations. Generating Evidence- Deciding what evidence is needed to investigate a scientific question or address a technological problem. Applying the engineering design process to address a technological problem. Reflecting on Knowledge- Using and interpreting scientific and technological knowledge to revise thinking based on new evidence or ideas about products or systems. Participating Productively- Representing information and ideas clearly and convincingly based on scientific evidence and technological concepts or designs.
Instruct, Assess, and Provide Feedback REPORT student achievement
Grading Student Understanding
In progress (I) In progress toward meeting the grade-level standard. Exceptional (ES) Exceptional at the grade-level standard. Meets the grade-level standard by demonstrating proficiency of the content or processes for the measurement topic. Proficient (P) Levels of Performance Instruction begins at the grade-level standard. How the student performs at the grade-level standard determines level of proficiency. How the student responds Instruction on the Measurement Topic Not yet or minimal (N) Not yet making progress or making minimal progress toward meeting the grade-level standard.
Reporting Student Achievement
What are the Components of the Curriculum 2.0 Report Card?
Standards-based Report Card Subject Measurement Topic
Standards-Based Report Card Science (Grade 5) P PP P ES I P P
Reporting the Reading Level Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 2
Reporting the Reading Level Grade 3, Grade 4, and Grade 5
Math Enrichment/Acceleration
Learning Skills Kindergarten Personal and Social Development Follows classroom rules and routines Interacts easily with peers Shows initiative and self-direction Uses classroom materials appropriately Grades 1 – 5 Work Habits Rules and Procedures Task Completion Kindergarten – Grade 5 Thinking and Academic Success Skills Analysis Collaboration Effort/Motivation/Persistence Elaboration Evaluation Flexibility Fluency Intellectual Risk Taking Metacognition Originality Synthesis
Learning Skills: Codes CodeDescription DEMDemonstrating PRGProgressing NNot yet evident
Additional Information Your child’s teachers School principal A Parent’s Guide to Curriculum Curriculum 2.0 website: