East Riding Safeguarding Adults Board Mini-conferences 2013 establishing good practice locally Goole 10 September Bridlington 16 September Cottingham 17 September Mike Briggs Board chair
Multi Agency Safeguarding Strategy To Protect Adults At Risk Of Harm
The Vision The East Riding of Yorkshire is a place where adults at risk of harm are able to live an independent life free from harm where: abuse is not tolerated everyone works together to prevent abuse services respond effectively when abuse is suspected or happens
PRIORITY AREAS 1.Prevention 2.Protection 3.Leadership, engagement & partnership 4.Accountability and quality assurance
The national picture
What Works A focus on people and the outcomes they want valuing the difference that is made; process is important but not an end in itself. Collaborative leadership supporting, integrating and holding partners to account Effective interfaces with Health and Wellbeing Boards, Community Safety Partnerships, Children ’ s Safeguarding Boards, etc. Responsive specialist services in place and have a portfolio of responses to support people with difficult decision making. Concerns are addressed proportionately so that systems are not swamped and we do not miss the really serious concerns. Fully integrated systems commissioning, contracts management, care management reviews and safeguarding intelligence.
Achieving Good Outcomes for Service Users Focusing on outcomes personalises safeguarding People outcomes right through the process Inclusive approach engages carers & families Know how you are making a difference to people ’ s lives
Responding to Reported Abuse Defining ‘abuse’ Proportional thresholds on alerts and referrals Agreed multi-agency pathway for dealing with suspected abuse Systematic monitoring of response times and outcomes User-friendly procedures emphasise user outcomes not processes Out-of-area placements
Engaging service users and their families Working with users and carers in partnership to improve services. Third sector ’ s role in providing advocacy, signposting and prevention. Challenge to Safeguarding Boards to develop user representation
Options for people to choose accredited services (including an offer of CRB and quality checks). Care planning is person-centred and regularly reviewed. People have access to information and advice about protecting themselves, the services they use and what to do if they are being harmed or abused. Advocacy services are available for people who are unable to challenge or change circumstances that they experience as abusive. NHS and local authority commissioners build in the assurance that a quality framework is in place and is regularly tested. Whistle blowing help lines are available to staff of all care providing organisations. Safeguarding Personalisation Principles
Legal Powers People fully involved & in control of processes Least restrictive option Legal literacy of social workers and managers Easy access to legal advice Usage of Mental Capacity Act monitored "What good is it making someone safer if it merely makes them miserable?" Lord Justice Munby
Joined-up risk management A proportionate tolerance of acceptable risks. A cross-agency approach recognizes inherent risks and has a system for agreeing how and when decisions are taken on individual cases. People engaged in their own risk management by the most relevant means eg: hate crime arrangements; anti-social behaviour panels; Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA).
Resources “Safeguarding Adults: Advice and Guidance to Directors of Adult Social Services” Local Government Association and Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, March or "User involvement in adult safeguarding", Janet Wallcraft and Angela Sweeney, Social Care Institute for Excellence report 47, September "Practical approaches to safeguarding and Personalisation", Department of Health, November " Safeguarding adults at risk of harm: A legal guide for practitioners", Social Care Institute for Excellence, December "Serious Case Reviews in Adult Safeguarding in England: An Analysis of a Sample of Reports", Jill Manthorpe and Stephen Matineau, in British Journal of Social Work Advance Access, September "Early Messages from Peer Reviews", Richard Humphries, The Journal of Adult Protection Issue 2 Vol “Safeguarding Adults: Learning from Peer Challenges”, Local Government Association, June “Making Safeguarding Personal”, Local Government Association, March “Adult Safeguarding and Domestic Abuse: a Guide to Support Practitioners and Managers”, Local Government Association & ADASS, March