Kelli J. Schutte William Jewell College Robbins, Judge, and Vohra Organizational Behavior 15th Edition Copyright © 2014 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd Authorized adaptation from the United States edition of Organizational Behavior, 15e Diversity in Organizations 2-0
An Outgrowth of Systematic Study… Pose a managerial question Search for best available evidence Apply relevant information to case Evidence-Based Management (EBM) Basing managerial decisions on the best available scientific evidence Must think like scientists: 1-1 Evidence-based management (EBM) complements systematic study by applying scientific evidence to managerial decisions. It is important that managers know how to balance the amount of information to gather, their past experiences, and their intuition in the decision-making process. There are negatives associated with all three approaches. It is the manager’s job to make the best decisions possible by accessing as much evidence as possible while remaining efficient.
Developing an OB Model A model is an abstraction of reality – a simplified representation of some real-world phenomenon. Our OB model has three levels of analysis –Each level is constructed on the prior level E X H I B I T In Organizational Behavior (OB), we utilize the representation of the world as broken down into three levels. The first level of analysis we will look at is the individual level. At this level we look at individual behavior. Next, recognizing that individuals make up groups, we analyze how group behavior occurs. Finally, organizations are made up of groups of individuals so we analyze the organization at a systems level.
Types of Study Variables Independent (X) –The presumed cause of the change in the dependent variable (Y). –This is the variable that OB researchers manipulate to observe the changes in Y. Dependent (Y) – This is the response to X (the independent variable). – It is what the OB researchers want to predict or explain. – The interesting variable!XY Predictive Ability 1-4 The dependent variable is the key factor that you want to explain or predict. The independent variable is the factor that affects change in the dependent variable. By seeing how X impacts Y we will be able to better predict behavior.
Interesting OB Dependent Variables Productivity –Transforming inputs to outputs at lowest cost. Includes the concepts of effectiveness (achievement of goals) and efficiency (meeting goals at a low cost). Absenteeism –Failure to report to work – a huge cost to employers. Turnover –Voluntary and involuntary permanent withdrawal from an organization. Deviant Workplace Behavior –Voluntary behavior that violates significant organizational norms and thereby threatens the well-being of the organization and/or any of its members. 1-5
More Interesting OB Dependent Variables Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) –Discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements, but that nevertheless promotes the effective functioning of the organization. Job Satisfaction –A general attitude (not a behavior) toward one’s job; a positive feeling of one's job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. 1-6
The Independent Variables The independent variable (X) can be at any of these three levels in this model: Individual –Biographical characteristics, personality and emotions, values and attitudes, ability, perception, motivation, individual learning, and individual decision making Group –Communication, group decision making, leadership and trust, group structure, conflict, power and politics, and work teams Organization System –Organizational culture, human resource policies and practices, and organizational structure and design 1-7
OB Model E X H I B I T 1–5 Independent Variables (X) Dependent Variables (Y) Three Levels 1-8 This graph is a pictorial representation of the OB Model. It breaks out the three levels where independent variables will be found and shows a sampling of the dependent variables in which there is interest in the field of study called Organizational Behavior.
Diversity 2-9 Everybody brings differences to an organization where they work. These differences can create energy and excitement in the workplace, but they can also cause conflict. So it is important that we have an understanding of how diversity works in organizations. When we look at the workplace we can recognize two levels of diversity. Surface-level diversity represents the characteristics that are easily observed such as race, gender, age etc. Deep-level diversity represents the aspects that are more difficult to see at first glance such as values, personality, and work preferences. Organizations need to engage in Diversity Management to eliminate unfair discrimination. By understanding what diversity is and helping employees with training and development opportunities, the negative impact of discrimination can be minimized.
Diversity Surface-level diversity Deep-level diversity Diversity Management 2-10
Biographical Characteristics [surface-leve] Objective and easily obtained personal characteristics. Age –Older workers bring experience, judgment, a strong work ethic, and commitment to quality. Gender –Few differences between men and women that affect job performance. 2-11
Biographical Characteristics (Continued) Disability –Today’s organizations have started making efforts to hire people with disabilities. Tenure –People with job tenure (seniority at a job) are more productive, absent less frequently, have lower turnover, and are more satisfied. 2-12
Other Biographical Characteristics Religion –May impact the workplace in areas of dress, grooming, and scheduling. The law prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of their religion. Sexual Orientation –In June 2009, the High Court of Delhi, in a landmark judgment, decriminalized homosexual sex between consenting adults, overturning a 149-year-old British colonial law –Domestic partner benefits are an important consideration. Gender Identity –Relatively new issue – transgendered employees. 2-13
Ability An individual’s capacity to perform the various tasks in a job. Intellectual and Physical Abilities 2-14
Ability Made up of two sets of factors: –Intellectual Abilities The abilities needed to perform mental activities. General Mental Ability (GMA) is a measure of overall intelligence. No correlation between intelligence and job satisfaction. –Physical Abilities The capacity to do tasks demanding stamina, dexterity, strength, and similar characteristics There are a number of measures of intellectual ability available for use by organizations. Two representative measures are the GMA (General Mental Ability) measure and the Wonderlic Personnel Test. The GMA takes a look at overall intelligence and is generally recognized by researchers. The Wonderlic is generally used as a quick measure of intelligence in the hiring process. Often, it takes less than ten minutes to complete. Depending on the requirements of the job, intelligence tests can be used to predict success on certain job tasks. However, there has been no correlation found between intelligence and job satisfaction. Physical Ability is the second factor of ability and represents the capacity to do tasks that demand stamina, dexterity, strength, and other characteristics related to performance of physical tasks.
Dimensions of iA Intellectual ability is made up of many dimensions. They include number aptitude, verbal comprehension, perceptual speed, inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, spatial visualization, and memory. Number aptitude is the ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic and will be effective in jobs requiring mathematical ability, such as an accountant. Verbal comprehension is the ability to understand what is read or heard and the relationship of words to each other. This ability will be helpful in jobs where the manager needs to understand policies in order to carry out their job tasks. Perceptual speed is the ability to identify visual similarities and differences quickly and accurately. This particular ability is helpful when an employee needs to take in a lot of information and make decisions about the patterns, such as a detective or inspector. Inductive reasoning is present when an individual can identify a logical sequence in a problem in order to help find a solution. An employee who needs to make decisions about the future based on historical information will need the ability of inductive reasoning. Deductive reasoning is the ability to use logic and assess the implications of the argument. When making choices between two different possible solutions to a problem, a manager would need to call upon their deductive reasoning skills. Spatial Visualization is when someone can imagine how an object would look if its position in space was changed. An employee who needs to make decisions about office setup or interior design would need to have a high level of spatial visualization ability. Memory is the ability to retain and recall past experiences. Individuals who need to act quickly in a situation, such as a paramedic or nurse, would need a significant degree of memory ability. 2-16
Dimensions of Intellectual Ability Intellectual Ability Number Aptitude Verbal Comprehension Perceptual Speed Inductive Reasoning Deductive Reasoning Spatial Visualization Memory See E X H I B I T 2–3 for details 2-17
Flexibility Factors 2-18 Flexibility Factors Extent flexibility Dynamic flexibility See E X H I B I T 2–4 for details
Role of Disabilities When focusing on ability, it can create problems when attempting to develop workplace policies that recognize diversity in terms of disabilities. It is important to recognize diversity and strive for it in the hiring process. An organization needs to be careful to avoid discriminatory practices by making generalizations about people with disabilities. When an organization discusses abilities, it can cause difficulty when developing policies that recognize diversity in terms of disabilities. While it is important for the organization to strive for diversity in the hiring process, it is important to be careful to avoid discriminatory practices during hiring by making generalizations about people with disabilities. 2-19
Implementing Diversity Management Strategies Making everybody more aware and sensitive to the needs of others Attracting, Selecting, Developing, and Retaining the Diverse Employees Working with Diversity in Groups Effective Diversity Programs
Knowing that people are different is not enough for organizations to operate effectively with differences. Managers must work to develop strategies to develop ways to utilize differences to achieve work outcomes. Managers start by attracting, selecting, developing, and retaining employees who can operate and excel in a workplace with diverse individuals, viewpoints, and ideas. Gaining a diverse workforce through the selection process and developing that workforce through organizational training and development programs will help to provide for an environment that fosters creativity and effectiveness by tapping into the potential of all employees. More and more organizations are requiring employees to work in groups. Diversity can aid in group effectiveness and it can diminish it. Organizations must provide the tools to leverage the differences to obtain superior performance. Effective workforce programs that encourage diversity contain three components. First, they teach managers about the laws they need to follow and equal employment opportunity requirements. Second, they help managers and employees to see that a diverse workforce is better able to serve diverse markets. Third, they take into account personal differences and approach the differences as strengths that can be utilized to enhance performance. 2-21