Unit 4 Day 33: Islam in India
Delhi Sultanate, Sultan (Muslim ruler) conquers Hindu armies in India Makes Delhi the capital His successors organize a sultanate (land ruled by sultan) Muslim military strength: Mounted archers, greater mobility, united (unlike Hindu Princes) Some Hindus convert to Islam b/c social mobility (no castes) 1398 Tamerlane (Mongol leader) invades India Fragments the Sultanate
Muslims Vs. Hindus, p 326 Muslims (Describe culture, religion, society) Hindus (Describe culture, religion, society)
Muslims Vs. Hindus, p 326 Blending of cultures: Sikhism: world religion that blends Islam and Hinduism 1. “Unity of God” 2. Reject caste system 3. Reincarnation 4. No idol worship Started by Indian Holy Man, Nanak Muslims (Describe culture, religion, society) Hindus (Describe culture, religion, society) 1 God 5 Pillars (religious duties) Heaven, Hell, Judgment Day No priests, all believers equal Many gods Emphasis on religious duties (dharma) Reincarnation Caste system Older religion
Mughal India 1526, Turkish and Mongol armies take over Leader: Babur (claim descent Genghis) Founds Mughal Dynasty Akbar the Great (grandson, Muslim), Strong central gov’t gov’t jobs to Hindu subjects, treated Princes like partners Illiterate, consulted leaders of major faiths to promote harmony Paid officials, modernized army, trade, standardized measurements/weights
Shah Jahan: A’s grandson Built Taj Mahal for dead wife, usurped and imprisoned by son
Ottoman Empire Ottomans: Turkish speaking nomads, Central Asia, Sunni Muslims Mehmet II captures Constantinople (1435) Renamed Istanbul Suleiman the Magnificent: “the Lawgiver,” modernized army, conquer new land Improved justice system, law based on Sharia and royal edicts Takes the role as Caliph, claimed to be heir of Abbasids
Ottoman Culture Social Classes: 1. Men of the Sword 2. Men of the Pen 3. Men of Negotiation 4. Men of Husbandry Conquered Christians required to give young sons to gov’t Boys converted to Islam trained at military academies and became: Janizaries: elite force of Ottoman army Turkish poetry, Persian paintings, mosques, palaces Suleiman dies 1566, Ottomans begin slow decline
Safavid Empire, 1500s Safavids dynasty in Persia (Iran), Shiite Muslims Sandwiched between Mughals and Ottomans King: “Shah” Shah Abbas the Great, Revived glory of ancient Persia Central gov’t, powerful military like Ottomans Alliances with European states that feared Ottomans Reduced taxes, tolerated non-Muslims New capital: Isfahan, center of silk trade Conquered by Qajars, late 1700s Tehran= new capital, est Shiism in Iran permanently
Textbook, Page 336 Answer # 1-21 on page 336 1-3 on page 337 Turn in your work before you leave.