CHAPTER 6 SECTION 3 Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks
The Marketplace Visiting from Mesopotamia…which means? What do you hear and see in the Agora? what is being sold? What is being said? What is around you? buildings
Life at Home, Greek Style What were the private Greek homes like? Very simple Made of mud bricks Around an open courtyard Kitchen, storerooms, dining room, bedrooms, bathrooms Water from public fountain Breakfast- bread Lunch- bread with cheese, olives Dinner- hot meal, fish, vegetables, cheese, fruit, cake Meat only religious festivals
Slavery In Ancient Greece Read the section and complete the Cornell notes as a table group #1 Reader #2 STOP! Found details #3 STOP! Found details
Population of Slaves in Athens Thoughts of slavery in ancient Athens How people became slaves Type of work slaves did Slaves who work in the house Slaves who worked in the mines *100,000 *No one questioned it, even in a democracy *Captured by armies or pirates, children of slaves *Labor on farms, dug silver and other metals, assisted artisans to make pottery, constructed buildings, made weapons and armor. *Easiest life, treated like family members *Suffered the most, physically tiring work, dangerous, did not live long.
Women in Athens Independently, what was life like for women?
Women In Athens Spent days at home Could not take part in politics, no voting Could not own property Spinning, weaving, looked after supplies Trained household slaves
Review! Go back and add details about what life is like for each group. WomenSlavesMen