Haley Venable Period 2
This section is explaining what exactly mental disorders are, how to recognize when someone has a mental disorder and how a mental disorder is treated..
The main idea of this section is that most mental disorders are characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings or behavior that make a person uncomfortable with themselves..
Vocabulary, signs, symptoms and specifics. Vocabulary: Mental disorder- an illness that affects the mind and prevents a person from being productive. Abnormal -behaviors,feelings or thoughts that are highly unusual. Signs -the signs are not easy to identify, things that may seem abnormal in one culture may be acceptable in another. This makes labeling a person mentally ill very difficult. Stats Today, over 230 types of mental disorders are recognized. There are still many opinions about the causes of these mental disorders.
Continued… An example of a mental disorder is lets say someone who is always outside and being with friends all of the sudden always stays inside and doesn’t enjoy the things they used to.
Mental disorder story. Amanda is a healthy, outgoing, and fun loving twelve year old girl. She loves animals and loves to play with her best friend Natalie. Amanda's family life was almost perfect. working parents that loved her, they had no money problems and everything was just about perfect. Just about. Amanda's mother was an alcoholic. Only drinking on the weekends when she was not working Amanda did not worry about it too much. Her father was also not the nicest man in the world. He was often angry with her and punished her more then he needed to. Other than this Amanda was a normal preteen. But then everything started to change, her mother started drinking more and more until it become every day after work and her father began drugs. 2 months after her father began the drugs her mother lost her job because she came to work drunk. This is when Amanda realized her mother had a problem. Her mother was no longer really taking care of her and her father become increasingly physically and mentally abusive. (to be continued on next slide)
Continued Her father eventually lost his job also and they began losing their money. The abuse continued and then it got so bad they finally left to a domestic violence shelter. Now because of that abuse, she has severe emotional problems and has episodes of extreme anger and depression.
Why should you be aware? Mental disorders are something you should be aware of. you should know the signs and symptoms so you can help someone who may need it.
What this section really about? This section is all around about how to recognize a mental disorder and how to help someone with a mental disorder.