Susan Ariew Academic Services Librarian for Education and Philosophy University of South Florida Jim Eison Professor of Higher Education University of South Florida Megan Sheffield, Sciences Librarian Voice of the Chat University of South Florida
We Assume That The best way to get a good idea is to get a lot of ideas. Linus Pauling
You Might Recall Completing our Brief Online Survey
Your Powerful Ideas Regarding Outreach Inviting faculty to targeted open house events Making your presence known at faculty meetings Meeting with Department chairpersons Surveying and/or interviewing faculty about their research & teaching interests
Session Two Objectives Responding to your survey responses about barriers to collaboration Identifying strategies for embedding library resources into course management systems Discussing the relationship between assessment & collaboration Resource Page:
Our Plan of Action Your Survey Questions Our Collaborative Thoughts Several Good Possibilities
You Asked How might we address the barrier of having too little time for library instruction?
Suggestion for Managing Time Maximize the instructional impact of class time.
Suggestion for Managing Time Embed content into course management systems
Pre-instruction Activities Adding content into courses with diagnostic assessments or pre-tests. Including learning objects covering the basics (videos, LibGuides, etc).
Collaborative Instructional Activities Introductory Class—Exploring Topics Designing activities, assignments Hands-on Library Session
Post-Instructional Activities Scaffolding the instructional session –Posting materials after instructional session (PowerPoints, handouts) Assessing student learning of library skills or student reactions to the process
Assessment and Its Impact on Collaboration Sharing assessment findings with faculty enhances the collaborative relationship. Assessment encourages planning beyond one instructional session.
You Asked How might we best communicate with faculty who are apathetic about collaboration? Please type your ideas now!
Responses From the Chat Megan Sheffield, Voice of the Chat
Suggestion for Communicating with Apathetic Faculty Start first by collaborating with highly interested faculty
Don’t Expect to Collaborate with All Faculty Set priorities
You Asked How might we best communicate with faculty who are resistant to collaboration? Please type your ideas now!
Responses From the Chat Megan Sheffield, Voice of the Chat
Suggestion for Communicating with Resistant Faculty? Reflect upon possible causes for a faculty member appearing “resistant”
Additional Questions Please type your questions into the chat box. We will try to address them in our final session.
Concluding Thought
For Next Week Discussing the librarian-faculty collaboration culture at your institutions Defining the organizational culture of collaboration Addressing additional questions from the group
For Additional Resources