Surrey Golf CAP U12’s
Who we are Tom Bridger – Betchworth Park GC Paul Creamer – Foxhills GC Simon Shepherd – Addington Court GC Adam Hall – Surbiton Golf Studios Lee Mackie – Horton Park GC Steve McNeill – U12 Manager
CAP - Aims Develop you as players To think for yourselves Lay the foundations for future years - Create habits early Work on appropriate areas for your game development Technique Physical – warm ups Performance Practice Stats – so you know where to spend your time Goal Setting Nutrition/Hydration Help you progress into U12 Playing Team and into U14 CAP Squad and Tournament Squads Provide you with access to excellent coaching expertise
Plan for the Year 6 days: 1 x Preparation & Performance Analysis 1 x Putting – Pace, Line, Routine and drills 1 x Short Game, Chipping, Pitching and Bunkers 1 x Tournament planning and shot routine 1 x Short Game on Course 1 x Tournament observation (Rookie Tour)
What we want you to have Ability to score: Exceptional short game and wedge skill Exceptional holing out (6 feet and in) Ability to think independently: An understanding of YOUR game Self sufficient decision makers Ability to WIN ugly: Tough, skilful competitors - Golf is NOT a purely technical challenge
How can you achieve this? Individualised support from your coaches – this requires you to KNOW YOUR GAMES and TELL US WHAT YOU NEED Gather data – Stats, skills tests, training diaries Greater communication with Home Coach, report back findings from events and training Provide us with the feedback so that we can coach you effectively!!
Plan for today Goal Setting, 3 goals for the year – S.M.A.R.T Work out how you can achieve this Practice all areas – Coach observations Feedback Goals and how to achieve via