Welcome to 1301! Essentials of College Rhetoric
Contact Info. Instructor: Emily Fox Location: 8 am- 350 or 11 am- 455 Office: English 461 Office hours: Mon. 9:30-10:50 and Thurs. 11:30-1:50 (24 hr. response weekdays and 48 hrs. is best way to reach me.
Course Materials Course Website First-Year Writing: Writing in the Disciplines. 9th Edition The St. Martin’s E-handbook (if you feel you need it) Raider Writer
Attendance Once a week; 14 sessions total Critical to your success that you show up prepared each week. If you have to miss, please let me know. After 2 absences, your grade drops by 5% each additional absence.
Plagiarism Plagiarism is theft. Plain and simple. Raider writer has a plagiarism checker. Plagiarism at Tech results in a trip to the dean. If you are having trouble with your writing, come see me.
Participation Show up to class mentally and physically prepared each week. This is the only way to ensure you get credit. Class participation grades will be given throughout the semester. In-class writing In-class group activities Writing workshops
Late Work Due dates for assignments are available on Raider writer. All assignments are due by 11:59 pm on their respective due dates. After this time, the system will automatically deduct points. If you are experiencing technical difficulties while trying to turn in an assignment, attach it in an to me so that I know you completed your work on time. Upload to Raiderwriter when back online.
Late work (cont.) 1-3 days late = 5 points deduced per day 4 or more = starting on the fourth day, 10 points deducted per day Late penalties can be removed at my discretion.
Technology I don’t care as long as it is not a distraction to me or others. I will ask you to put it away during group work.
Food Distraction Not a Distraction
Instructor Correspondence College requires you to send formal, professional s. If you send me an that looks like this… “Yo Emily, I need help with BA3. Thanks.” You will get this…
Please try again.
Professional Dear Miss Fox, I am having trouble with BA3 and I would like to discuss it with you. Can I meet with you during office hours today? Thank you, [your full name] [your section number]
Classroom Civility Don’t be Kanye…
Equal Opportunity Course Everyone gets the same extra credit opportunities. Do not ask me for grade bumps or bonus points.
Students with Disabilities If you need accommodation, make sure you register with Student Disability Services in West Hall. Please come talk to me. If you don’t let me know, I can’t help you and I can’t make sure you have access to the resources you need. For more information, visit