Ephesians 4:3 … Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace…
“…I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace… …one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all…” Eph. 4:1-6 NIV
Key Point 1 - “Biblical Unity” – is God’s Idea Godhead – from the beginning, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are in perfect unity. Adam was in perfect unity with God in the Garden. You are in perfect unity with Jesus and the Holy Spirit if you are born again.
Key Point 2 - Biblical Unity = means “Oneness”; one together; one with; in agreement with; that which makes up the whole Key Point 3 - The Biblical Results of Unity. Unity leads to effective prayer! Unity leads to fruitfulness!
Key Point 4 – How do we grow in Unity? Be a committed member of the whole Body of Christ and the Local Body of Christ. – with Common – Savior, Bible, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, etc. Have the Mind of Christ!
Key Point 4 – How do we grow in Unity? Be one who unifies the Body of Christ and the Local Body of Christ. Be one not wanting your own way, but what is good for the whole body and do that in the unity of the Spirit.
Be a Believer with a strong passion for prayer to bless the body and passion to help the Godly Leaders that God has placed over you. Lovingly teach your children to respect elders and leaders in authority and other members of the whole Body of Christ. Be one who is regularly helping the whole Body of Christ and the Local Body of Christ to care for one another and their needs.
Acts 14: 23 NKJV …So when they had appointed Elders in every church, and prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord in whom they had believed. Acts 15:4 NKJV And when they had come to Jerusalem, they were received by the church and the apostles and the elders; and they reported all things that God had done with them.
(2 Tim. 1:6) Stir up the gift (of the Spirit) which is in you given by the laying on of hands (2 Tim. 1:13) Be loyal to the faith (2 Tim. 2:1) Be strong in grace (2 Tim. 3:1) Perilous times (2 Tim. 3:16) All scripture is trustworthy
Growing in Biblical Unity means - Understanding that this Biblical Unity flows from the Holy Spirit and His Power. Believers need to take active steps to – Be a committed member to the whole Body of Christ and the Local Body of Christ. Conduct yourself as one who unifies and not divides the whole Body and the Local Body. Conduct yourself as one not seeking your own way but what is good for the whole body of Christ and the Local Body of Christ.
Growing in Biblical Unity means - Believers need to take active steps to – Conduct yourself with a passion for prayer and helping the leaders of the Whole Body of Christ and the Local Body. Teach your children to respect Leaders, Elders and other members of the Body and to maintain the Unity of the body of Believers. We need to Grow in unity with Godly Leaders.