Alpine County Government Center Board of Supervisors Presentation June 26, 2013
History Initial options included a detention facility and larger Sheriff’s facility. Budget was a primary driving influence of the design and resulted in ‘sacrifices’ by all departments. The Board selected the option without a detention facility as the preferred option. The Sheriff elected not to participate in the design process. The current design and construction contract are based on the Board’s preferred option.
Current Floor Plan
Sheriff’s Requests 1.Expand Sheriff’s office by approximately 58%. 2.Harden the entire Facility. 3.Add a Detention Facility: – 2 Cells (2 persons each). – 1 Secure cellblock common area. – 3 Secure Sallyports. – 1 Arraignment area. – 1 Safety Cell. – 1 AB 109 Work Release Program Room. – Attorney / Mental Health Therapy Room / Drug and Alcohol Counseling Room.
Proposed Floor Plan
Combined Floor Plans
Work required if Sheriff’s Office is Expanded (Phase 1) Minor addition of floor area to Sheriff’s office and complete re-design of existing interior spaces. Addition of new Chambers area and Caucus Room displaced by Sheriff’s office expansion. Complete re-design of Administration area (existing building). Approximate Design and Construction Cost – $ 1.1 Million (building) $.1 Million (sitework) $1.2 Million Total Estimated Additional Cost
Work required if Detention Facility is added (in addition to Phase 1) Addition of detention facility. Costs associated with connections to Sheriff’s office and courthouse. Design and other soft costs. Approximate Design and Construction Cost – $ 1.8 Million
Impacts to Current Construction Schedule Re-design time – 8 weeks if there is full participation by the Sheriff’s Department including a commitment to meet regularly (weekly for 4 hours). Does not include detention center design. Implementation of Fast -Track design and construction to maintain the current schedule. Expedited plan review by the Building Department and the commitment to issue partial permits to maintain schedule. Approximate Schedule Impact – Up to 8 weeks delay depending on factors out of our control.
Options 1.Continue on the present course. 2.Expand the Sheriff’s Office ($1.2M) and prepare for a future Detention Center Addition. 3.Expand the Sheriff’s Office and add a Detention Center ($3.0M).