MEKON & HOBO Java Frameworks for building Ontology-Driven Applications Current use cases: Almost (!) products: Knowledge-driven clinical documentation system Web-based recruitment application Early prototypes: Sepsis prediction system Clinical trials design/design-retrieval system
Very, very briefly MEKON based around a generic frames model Simple frame/slot based representation Plug-in framework allows incorporation + integration of: Ontology-like knowledge sources Associated reasoning mechanisms OWL + DL based plug-ins are provided HOBO extends MEKON Enables creation of domain-specific object models, bound to appropriately populated frames models Instantiations of object models operate in-tandem with instantiations of bound frames models
Also come with… Instance Store mechanisms, delivered via plug-in framework Current plug-ins based on: 1. OWL constructs + DL reasoning 2. RDF (Stardog or Jena) + SPARQL 3. The XML database BaseX Model Explorer GUI, enables model developer to: 1.Browse frames model 2.Explore dynamic behaviour of specific instantiations As provided via external reasoners or object model 3.Exercise instance store (store instances / execute queries)
For software developers MEKON & HOBO 1.Provide layered architecture: Structured means of combining: Generic knowledge sources + reasonners Domain-specific processing Configurable via creation/customisation of plug-ins 2.Handle much of the dirty work: Lower-level interaction with ontologies + reasoners Intermediate-level processing 3.Provide client access via appropriate APIs: Generic frames model Domain-specific object models
MEKON enables the creation of a skeleton application, without having to write a single line of code OWL Ontology + DL Reasoner + MEKON Framework + MEKON Configuration File + Model Explorer Skeleton OWL-Driven Application For ontology developers
Come and see MEKON & HOBO demo