Gwyneth Ayers Carmarthenshire Health, Social Care & Well-being Partnership Officer
The Carmarthenshire Local Service Board
Local Delivery Agreement 1.Continuing Health Care 2.Learning Disabilities Services 3.Dementia Services 4.Adult Mental Health Services 5.Delayed Transfers of Care 6.Community & Intermediate Care 7.Chronic Conditions Management Demonstrator
Chronic Conditions Management Demonstrator Identifying and quantifying locality needs Examining existing services Mapping population needs to services available / required Creating more flexible and efficient use of workforce Enhancing opportunities for self management Operationalising the Core Health and Social Care CCM Services Chronic Respiratory Conditions Service Directives
Generic Health & Social Care Worker Project Team established – led by a former member of the LSB Proof of concept project No additional funding during the pilot phase St. Clears & Whitland area agreed as the pilot site Work with existing domiciliary care and district nursing staff Linked with Locality Leadership Team for development
Generic Health & Social Care Worker Workshop held with staff on 12 November Great enthusiasm from staff but also a very pragmatic approach Discussed a number of delegated tasks between services Raised a number of issues for the project team to work through
Generic Health & Social Care Worker Added benefit of being an LSB project Evaluation of the pilot by University of Wales Trinity St. David’s Links with education providers in terms of training developments Wider workforce planning implications – need new blood into the service due to older age profile of staff Welsh language considerations
Overall benefit of the LSB Energised the HSCWB Partnership Additional credibility to partnership working Cross sector understanding of health and social care issues Direct link into WAG civil servant Time of great change for health sector – requirement to engage in LSB will help to maintain local focus