The Adult Safeguarding Board Lin Slater, Assistant Director of Nursing, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and Vice Chair of the Board
Board Priority Safeguard individuals in residential settings who are receiving care.
How can we do this? Prevention strategy specifying each agency’s responsibilities Arrangements to provide advice and support to care homes to improve their safeguarding mechanisms and activity Facilitate communication between the board and people with care and support needs and carers Ensure that there is safeguarding awareness training for all health and social care staff Ensure person-centred, outcome-focused safeguarding arrangements Links to other boards and partnerships Identify what we can learn and act upon from the findings of Safeguarding Adults Reviews and other reviews and audits.
“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." George Santayana
Group Exercise What should the Gwent-wide Adult Safeguarding Board work collaboratively to prevent abuse and neglect where possible?