Welcome to our February 2016 newsletter. We are sorry it is late but there are so many exciting things happening we wanted to include as many as possible. After very helpful engagement and a lot of detailed work across all six Connected Nottinghamshire CCG’s, we are pleased to announce the new IGM&T Strategy will be published in March. The strategy paper describes how Information, Governance, Management and Technology will support the Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group’s future vision for a digitally mature health and care community over the next five years and how IGM&T will support the new integrated health and social care models essential to delivering services to citizens across Nottinghamshire. Another piece of exciting news is that the “CareCentric” Care Portal Programme has now started. This new technology will support the transformation of service delivery across the local health and care community. The key objective of the Programme is to create and deliver a secure information exchange across both health and social care, providing health and care professionals access to the information they need to deliver safe and efficient ‘seamless’ care, regardless of location and organization. To support this work a new group is being setup to provide oversight and direction for the Programme with links into the existing Clinical leadership groups across Nottinghamshire, such as existing CCG Clinical Cabinets. The first milestones are to connect Nottm University Hospitals, Sherwood Forest Hospitals and Nottinghamshire Healthcare and enable GP practices to access this important information. Very quickly following this links into the Local Authority Social Care systems will commence, providing for the first time a joined up picture of a citizen/patients care. Following on from the fantastic work last year from GP Practices in opening up access to records for Urgent and Emergency Care, the Medical Interoperability Gateway (MIG) 2 project is now underway. This second phase will include enabling MIG connectivity to the Care Centric Portal system and Sherwood Forest Hospitals systems plus providing additional data sets to be viewed by clinical staff which will include End of Life data to support the Electronic Palliative Care Coordination System (EPaCCS) for the first time. The GP Repository for Clinical Care (GPRCC) 2 project is also now preparing to initiate the second phase. The focus of the first phase was to develop the technology required to combine data sources for direct patient care and to make it easier for practices to manage large multidisciplinary meetings at an improved pace. This second phase will start to consider further data flows. The work will examine how to make it easier for practices to perform their clinical audits, view system performance outcomes measures and get more from Public Health services through the use of the aggregate GPRCC2 data. Given the nature of the project we have been working very closely with IG leads and the LMC and will continue to do so throughout the project lifecycle. We have recently reviewed the membership of this Project Board and have added an expert patient representative as part of the project board. Work has started to develop our local Digital Roadmap Plan for NHS England. This is the five year plan for digital technology across Nottinghamshire to support us achieving our aims of being paper free at the point of care across health and care by We will bring you more on this next time. Other quick news; the Nottinghamshire IT Managers (NITMAN) group had a successful workshop in January and are now meeting bi-monthly to drive forward better joined up IT for their users and last but not least congratulations to the Skype Project Team for winning the AHSN award for their use of Teleconsultation in Care Homes. Well done. We look forward to sharing more exciting progress in our new improved newsletter next time. Feedback and questions? If you have questions about the projects or if you have ideas how this newsletter might be improved please give Andy Evans a call on Vicky Bailey Rushcliffe CCG Chief Operating Officer & Programme Owner Andy Evans Programme Director Savi Cartwright Programme Manager
Primary Care Data Sharing The Medical Interoperability Gateway (MIG) 2 allows sharing of data across Primary care, community and secondary care. It is a starting point which allows for the fast implementation of key data sharing between GP practices, Hospital ED’s and Out of Hours services across Notts. MIG allows Federated GP Practices and out of hours services to operate with access to patients GP records. Planning is underway to initiate the second phase of the project. This second phase will include enabling MIG connectivity to NUH’s Care Centric Portal system and Sherwood Forest Hospitals systems plus providing additional data sets to be viewed by clinical staff which will include End of Life and later Special Patient Notes ( SPN) data sets (SPN dataset anticipated to be ready mid 2016) EPS (Electronic Prescribing Service) Release 2 provides the ability for prescriptions to be sent electronically to a nominated dispenser. The project is continuing to engage with practices to deploy this functionality. By the end of February 2016 the figures will be 71% or 102 / 143 practices live. GP2GP The functionality of GP2GP transfers between SystmOne and EMIS Web practices. GP2GP 2 provides enhanced functionality for returning patients. This is currently being tested and EMIS hope to have FRA for this in May TTP are working towards gaining FRA in May We are waiting for confirmation when TPP will be ready to deploy. Patient Online Eight practices have taken part in the pilot representing a cross section of CCGs, different system suppliers and practice profiles. All of the eight practices have now completed their pilots with lots of positive benefits. The detailed care record is being rolled out before March 31 st by practice's to enable access to a limited, coded dataset. Risk Stratification The GP Repository for Clinical Care (GPRCC) 2 is a new centralised repository that will allow a small subset of GP data to flow from GP clinical systems to be viewed through e-Healthscope to help in delivering direct patient care. The reports will improve direct patient care and support multi-disciplinary team meetings for example the ability to link patients on the reports to Admissions, A&E attendances and Community services (such as COPD and Heart Failure nurses, Falls teams and Stroke teams). As part of the GPRCC 2 Project e-Healthscope is undergoing a number of improvements to the interface and to improve the data that is available to the system. This will improve Risk Stratification and help reduce false-positive results that can sometimes happen at the moment as a result of poor quality national data. Hospital Data Sharing The CareCentric Portal Programme has now kicked off with the technology service provided from Nottm University Hospital's and funded initially through support from the national Vanguard Programmes. This system will support the transformation of service delivery across the local health community through innovative use of digital technology. The first milestones will be to connect Nottm University Hospitals, Sherwood Forest Hospitals and Nottinghamshire Healthcare and enable a view for GP practices to this important data. The detailed plans are still underdevelopment but this will be a fast paced project with significant benefits delivered through the improvements in data sharing that it will achieve. The intention is for all health and care providers to be connected through the Portal. Dr Ian Trimble GP and Chair Executive Committee Dr Mike O’Neil GP and SIRO Dr Ei-Cheng Chui GP and RIG Chair
Wireless & Mobile Working Community Mobile Working – Significant progress have been made during the last 3 months, and we currently have more than 1,000 mobile working devices in circulation. The feedback from the clinicians is overwhelmingly positive and during the next couple of months we will undertake a consolidation stage in order to make sure that all the mobile workers have everything they need to make the most of the new technology. GP Mobile Access - All eight sites have received their mobile devices and early feedback has been mostly positive. The devices are now being used on a number of visits to patient’s homes and care/nursing homes. The pilot is still ongoing and expected to complete in March. The full roll-out is currently being planned but due to manufacturing supply issues is expected to commence later than planned in May Wireless hotspot access: 157 sites are now live with Federated Wi-Fi across Nottinghamshire but more work is underway to improve the coverage and speed of this important infrastructure. To this end a bid to support roll out across all GP sites has been submitted and we are hopeful that from April more sites will be added. Community of Interest Network (COIN) – many sites across Nottinghamshire are already part of a COIN network will see major improvements to connectivity speeds for a significant number of these. A detailed plan will be available by April. Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment ( CGA) Connected Nottinghamshire continues to work with the Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) to better understand how an electronic CGA can support improvement in care across organisation boundaries. Sherwood Forest Hospitals have work under way that will further assess the benefits of this to support better care for frail older people. Lessons learnt here will be transferred across the system as the Nottinghamshire Geriatricians have been very supportive of each other in developing this work. Work underway in Nottingham University Hospitals to digitise records is a major contributor to this work going forward as will be the CareCentric Portal. Social Care Records Child Protection IS – The Local Authorities for Nottingham City and County are working hard to provide access to important contact information for Children under their care or with a protection order. A project manager has been appointed from the beginning of March for the next year in order to drive the pace of the delivery of the project. The project manager will be providing regular progress reports to the CCGs through the Records and Information Group (RIG) in future. Care Homes / SystmOne - Significant progress has been made in City CCG to rollout SystmOne access to Care Homes. Care home staff now also have access to IG training to ensure best practice. Mid Notts and Rushcliffe are also delivering Projects like this to improve care for patients who are care home residents short or long term. Following the agreement that NHS numbers can be shared with Social Care to better support patient identification and care the current position is 85% of NHS numbers are now matched in social care system s in Nottinghamshire. Electronic Palliative Care Co-ordination System (EPaCCS) EPaCCS – this work provides a solution to support the joined up care planning and End of Life best practice for clinicians to support patients at one of the most challenging times in their life. The existing services was due to end 31st March 2016 however a proposal to the IGM&T SRO board has been agreed to extend this for a further 12months until the technical elements can be transferred to MIG2 and the CareCentric Portal. Councillor Yvonne Woodhead Vice-Chairman of Adult Social Care and Health Committee Councillor Muriel Weisz Chairman of Adult Social Care and Health Committee Councillor Alex Norris Portfolio Holder for Adults, Commissioning and Health