May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 1 1 st Quarter 2006 Presentation of Results May 12 th, 2006 Kåre Løchsen, CEO Alex Gundersen, CFO
May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 2 Agenda Q1 Highlights Financial Results first quarter Products and Markets Q’s & A’s
May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 3 Quarterly Highlights - Operation 37% growth in operating revenues For regular customers (excluding bulk orders) better than the best quarter of 2005 EBITDA of 2.3 m, up from -0.2 m in Q Net profit at 1.6 m as compared to -0.3 m in Q1 2005
May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 4 Quarterly Highlights - Market and Technology Solid development of sales to core customers for embedded solutions First installation of Dolphin SuperSockets in the UK Collaboration with Capgemini and MySQL brought a major ticketing system on line Significant performance gain using Dolphin with MySQL New cabling system in stock Improvement for certain usage areas Second Source Completed RoHS compliancy program a head of time All Open Source SW suite for large HPC clusters in operation Partners, University of Zürich, Nicevt
May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 5 Quarterly Highlights - Stock Market Successful IPO and listing on OSE April 20 Expanded shareholder base IPO from 220 to 337 shareholders First weeks of trading, from 337 to 418 shareholders
May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 6 Going Forward Quarterly revenue reflects a solid base business Take advantage of the positive reception of SuperSockets in the MySQL community Aggressive marketing into the database server market NumaChip project startup Establishing partnerships Recruiting
May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 7 Agenda Q1 Highlights Financial Results first quarter Q’s & A’s
May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 8 P & L – Key Figures
May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 9 P & L – Historic Development
May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 10 Quarterly Revenue
May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 11 Balance Sheet – Key Figures
May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 12 Cash Flow – Key Figures
May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 13 Cash Flow from Operations
May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide Largest Shareholders
May 12th 2006, 08:30 Slide 15 Agenda Q1 Highlights Financial Results first quarter Q’s & A’s