The relevance of nutrition for EU patient groups, part 2 Marek Lichota ENHA, Warsaw, May 20, 2016
Spain, november 2016 At least, one delegate from every NSC from a patient group or older people organization For all, a preparatory meeting the first day One special plenary patient session (slide 3) And a special break-out session during the second day for patients/older representatives To be prepared by the EPF/EGAN Working Party on Nutrition, like in Berlin 2015
Spain, plenary session on personal experiences with medical nutrition We would like to bring more personal stories on the use of tube feeding, medical nutrition and whole foods in Spain in a patients’ session With the assistance of PACIFHAN & others A Dutch story from the father of a young patient at Nutricia’s R&D days in April 2016 With contribution from or other organization(s) from older people
EPF/EGAN activities Invitation for ENHA to speak at AGM EPF with other EU stakeholders on the importance of patient participation in the EU Policy Arena on March 22, 2016 (cancelled) Renewed Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing with a renovated action plan. EPF/EGAN wants to look at possible commitments by patient groups by Oct New EPF campaign on access to healthcare in 2017 with recommendations on access to nutritional care and support from the patient perspective A joint EPF/EGAN statement on nutrition in 2017 A preparatory meeting in September, 2016 in Brussels
Hungary Tunde Koltai and Klara Zalatnai have approached a number of organisations for a National Steering Committee in Hungary Most of them are very positive, but also in a state of reorganisation They need to identify some people who can make a positive decision to start a NSC Support from MNI and ENHA most welcome A very succesful symposium (Amsterdam, March 21, 2016) initiated by Platform Patients and Food, Inspire2Live (cancer patients) and TNO (Dutch research institute) 90 professionals and citizens joining forces to go Beyond RCT’s and towards citizen-driven research strategies in food and health How do we foster new research strategies that include the interests of patients, serve the standards of science and help to strengthen business? Key outcomes: 1) build awareness and learning, 2) develop tangible pilots around patients interests, and 3) develop an interface where patients/citizens can store data and stories. Report will follow and mentioned in Spain
Food and prostatecancer Collaboration between Dutch horticulturalists, Rotterdam Erasmus Medical Centre and Platform Patients and Food. Goal: PCa patients choose a healthy lifestyle, including food, excercise, mental focus etcetera. Patients are delivered a personalised food basket with a range of high quality fresh products some of them higher content of phytonutrients (like lycopene in tomato). Status: food basket is developed, pilot to start in autumn 2016 (depending on funding)