Linda Johnson, Ed.D., HLC/ Assessment Coordinator/AQIP Liaison James Jacobsen, Vice President of Academic Affairs Jeff Schlepp, AIA, Engineering Technology Faculty
Mission: Educate for employment Vision: Workforce Excellence
Assessment --first & foremost about student learning. Faculty --central Leadership--critical. Resources--necessary.
100% programs participate in assessment Learning outcomes defined for 3 levels: program, institutional, & course Annual Program Assessment Reports & Action Plans
AQIP processes & teams Faculty Program Teams Assessment Coordinator/Learning Coaches Dedicated in-service time for assessment
Intention but no follow through No consequences if work isn’t done No dedicated time/space for in-service or training
Jim Jacobsen, Vice President of Academic Affairs
Auto Technology Strengthening the learning experience Providing better service for customers
Mechatronics Technical knowledge, skills, & competencies “Soft skills” professionalism, communication
Communicate importance & expectations for assessment. Implement a regular pattern for “doing” assessment. Ensure follow- through.
In-service space & time each semester Assessment Coordinator/cost center Streamline information LMS (electronic system) calendar checklists databases
Link program data to budget & planning Key to curriculum revision: assessment data to improvement Process is highly responsive to market trends & needs
Jeff Schlepp, AIA, Engineering Technology Architectural, Construction Management, Land Surveying, CAD, & Civil Engineering Technology
TTime, time, time… AA focus on students ((not accreditation issues) DDaily tasks demand attention
Define student learning outcomes based on industry standards (advisory role) Select course -embedded direct measures of student learning Capstone project with rubric Writing Across the Curriculum
Action Database Student Learning Database Writing Across the Curriculum
Fall In-service: Write Program Actions Nov. Budget & planning meetings Reference retention, graduation, employment rates & student learning data Jan. In-service : Time to complete reports Student Learning Results: Deadlines flexible
Assessment has value because it can/does improve teaching and learning Exposure beyond own classroom/department lets us learn from other faculty.
Linda Johnson, HLC/Assessment Coordinator/AQIP Liaison
EEducate/explain/coach--it IS about learning! MMeet with teams in their areas on their terms TTreat faculty as the experts they are. LListen…what best measures what YOU want your students to learn?
Use natural curiosity—faculty already analyze how students do Mini-research--document conversations. Start somewhere. Try course-embedded or modified measures pick one, analyze & report on that.
Use change agents…someone will have the “aha’s” --build on that. Tackle a piece at a time but keep momentum going. Pace, pace, pace… Celebrate successes— Newsletter, faculty sharing at meetings