EFET PG Information Ofgem GRI transparency workshop March 2009 European Federation of Energy Traders 1 Brussels, March 2009 Cemil Altin Transparency: Minimum requirements
Brussels March Background Users’ minimum requirements are baseline from which deliverables for GRI-NW transparency workstream were scoped TSOs made good progress on phase 1 deliverables - remaining items should be delivered without delay Phase 1 worked because: Users clearly specified their requirements and were flexible TSOs showed willingness to deliver Regulators took steps to facilitate implementation Similar approach is needed in phase 2 to build on success
Brussels March EFET phase 2 proposal EFET initial proposal for phase 2 (October 2008) – seamless follow up to phase 1 2 broad possible workstreams: Expanding scope information at existing cross-border points (consistent with minimum requirements): –Flows & balancing information (including demand forecasts) – first priority –TSO balancing actions, linepack and gas quality – second priority Improving frequency and consistency of information provision
Brussels March TSOs’ initial response Some items already being delivered by number of TSOs – e.g. imbalance volumes & charges, gas quality BUT in number of areas TSOs do not meet the minimum requirements or suggested deliverables for phase 2 – e.g: Demand forecasts Physical flows Linepack Notification of restoration of flows following interruption etc
Brussels March Identifying a way forward Need to understand if TSOs have difficulties with minimum requirements & suggested deliverables for phase 2 If concerns are justified then onus on TSOs to offer way forward Need to identify deliverables consistent with minimum requirements that provide most benefits to users now
Brussels March Next steps EFET ready to work with TSOs to agree set of deliverables & timetable for phase 2: EFET can identify areas which provide most benefit now TSOs to respond with plan for delivering Regulators to consider best way of ensuring agreed deliverables are implemented
Brussels March European Federation of Energy Traders Amstelveenseweg JS Amsterdam Tel: +31 (0)