EXAFS-spectroscopy method in the condensed matter physics: First results on energy-dispersive EXAFS station in RSC “Kurchatov Institute” Vadim Efimov Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna,Russia ____________________ Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
Collaboration: Kurchatov Center for Synchrotron Radiation and Nanotechnology, Moscow A.N. Artemev, A.V. Zabelin Institute of Solid State Physics University of Latvia, Riga A. Kuzmin, Ju. Purans Hamburger Synchrotronstahlungslabor, DESY, Hamburg, Germany E. Welter, D. Zajac Institute of Solid State and Semiconductor Physics, Minsk, Belarus I.O. Troyanchuk, D. Karpinsky
Talk Outline I Introduction to X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy ▪ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy experiment ▪ the procedure of EXAFS data treatment II An experimental EXAFS results and their analysis ▪ local atomic structure in the LaCoO 3 ▪ electronic structure in the LaCoO 3 III Energy-dispersive EXAFS spectrometer in Russian Synchrotron Center “Kurchatov Institute” IV Conclusions
Basics of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Incident X-rays ( I 0 )Transmitted X-rays ( I ) Fluorescence X-rays e-TEY Visible light XEOL Absorption = (1/x) ln(I 0 /I) sample x Introduction to X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
■ local electronic structure ■ chemical bond ■ density of available occupied electronic states ■ the valence and density of states of the absorber X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure ( XANES ) ■ local atomic structure near of the absorbing atom ■ distances of the nearest neighbor shells ■ number and type of the nearest neighbors ■ information about the correlated motion between the absorbing atom and its neighbors Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure ( EXAFS ) Introduction to X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) The basic advantages of XAS as a method of investigation on condensed matter are Introduction to X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy ● types of samples are single-crystal, polycrystalline powder, glasses, thin films, liquid, gas ● a small required sample volume (usually, an amount less than 40 mg/cm 2 is enough). ● selectivity in the chemical-element type, which enables one to get information on the pair and multiatomic distribution functions for the local environment of each element of the material; ● sensitivity to the densities of vacant states near the Fermi level; ● high density sensitivity (10÷100 particles per mole) and relatively short periods of time (from milliseconds to tens of minutes) to detect experimental spectrum;
Experimental set-ups of the two types of the EXAFS spectrometers: classical and the energy-dispersive Introduction to X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
The classical and energy-dispersive EXAFS spectrometers Types of the EXAFS spectrometers electron beam energy average stored current energy resolution accuracy of atom distance determination dimension of the sample time of measuring GeVmAeVÅmm 2 sec Classical ·10 3 Energy- dispersive ~ ·10 –3
Scheme of XAS experiment by using the classical EXAFS spectrometer Introduction to X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy experiment E o threshold energy o absorption coefficient without contribution from neighboring atoms Δ o ( E o ) evaluated at the edge step
EXAFS: (k) An existence of XAFS is a consequence of interference effect, and depends on the wave-nature of the photoelectron. It’s convenient to analise XAFS in terms of photo-electron wavenumber, k, rather than x-ray energy: EXAFS (k) is usually weighted by k 2 or k 3 to amplify the oscillations at high k: Identify the threshold energy E o we convert from E to k space: E o - threshold energy
f (k) scattering amplitude (k) phase-shift R distance to the neighboring atom N coordination number of the neighboring atom mean-square disorder of neighbor distance EXAFS equation and Fourier Transform of (k) Fourier Transformation EXAFS (k). k 2 converts from k to R space and is similar to an atomic radial distribution function where the sum is over “shells” of atoms or “scattering paths” for the photo-electron To model and interpret the spectrum in EXAFS region, we use the EXAFS Equation:
Perovskite structure of the cobaltite LaCoO 3 Co 3+ La 3+ local atomic and electronic structure in the LaCoO 3
X-ray absorption process and possible spin states of LaCoO 3
The temperature dependences of SQUID magnetization for LaCoO 3 measured from 5 to 350 K in field of 10 kOe
EXAFS spectra at the Co K-edge for LaCoO 3 from 10 to 290 K Absorption coefficient and experimental EXAFS χ(k)k 2 signals at the Co K-edge in LaCoO 3
Experimental Fourier transforms of the Co K-edge EXAFS (k)k 2 signals for the LaCoO 3 polycrystalline powder from 10 to 290 K 2 nd shell 2
X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectra at the Co K-edge for LaCoO 3 XANES Analysis: Normalized and Curve fitting
Energy-dispersive EXAFS spectrometer at National center of Synchrotron Radiation “Kurchatov institute”, Moscow
Monochromator with triangular crystal Si (111) Type crystalEnergy range, keV Resolution E/E Si(111) 10 –4
Holder for a sample 2D X-ray detector CCD matrix
First preliminary experimental EXAFS results on energy-dispersive EXAFS spectrometer for Zn и ZnO at the Zn K-edge
The opportunities of EXAFS-spectroscopy have been demonstrated: the combined EXAFS and XANES results to study the local atomic and electronic structure behavior of LaCoO 3 EXAFS-spectroscopy method and analysis experimental EXAFS spectra has been developed and used to study the local-range order structure of the samples CONCLUSIONS The energy-dispersive EXAFS spectrometer has been constructed and launched at the National Center of Synchrotron Radiation “Kurchatov institute”, Moscow
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