Accessing Housing Resources through the LME Understanding Shelter Plus Care Program
2 Shelter Plus Care… Shelter Plus Care is a permanent supportive housing program that provides rental assistance to homeless people with disabilities, primarily those with serious mental illness, chronic problems with alcohol and or drugs, and AIDS related diseases. However, homeless individuals with other qualified disabilities are also eligible for Shelter Plus Care.
3 What is it….. Shelter = Tenant-based Rental Assistance Care = Housing Support Services Program is similar to HUD Section 8 housing choice voucher program.
4 SPC Participants must be… Very low income Disabled Homeless * A person would need to meet HUD homeless eligibility requirements.
5 HUD Homeless Eligibility A homeless person is someone who is living: In a place not meant for human habitation (i.e. streets, cars, parks, abandoned buildings) In emergency shelter In transitional who originally came from streets or shelter
6 Not Considered Homeless Living with family and friends (“couch surfing”) Living in substandard housing Incarcerated Paying excessive $$ for rent Living in a board and care, group home, or any adult congregated living facility
7 Homeless Documentation All documentation should be signed, dated, and on agency letterhead (if applicable) Documentation should agree with other paperwork “tell the story”
8 Homeless Documentation from the Street Written verification from: Outreach worker Health care provider Community support service agency Religious representatives Homeless person can self verify
9 Homeless Documentation from Shelter Written verification from Shelter staff that the participant has been residing at the shelter. The verification should be on agency letterhead signed and dated.
10 Homeless Documentation From Transitional Housing Program Written verification from the transitional program staff that the participant has been residing in the transitional housing program. The verification should be on agency letterhead, signed and dated. Verification must verify the participant was living on the streets or in an emergency shelter prior to living in the transitional housing program.
11 Documentation of Disability A letter from credentialing psychiatrist or Licensed psychologist and a signed completion of Sandhills Center LME disability verification form.
12 “Chronic Homelessness”… What is it? An individual with a disabling condition who has been: 1. Continuously homeless” for a year or more, OR 2. Had at least four episodes of homelessness in the last three years.
13 3 CH Required Definitions: 1. Must be Unaccompanied Adult or Family 2. Must have “Disabling” condition 3. Must fit one of two Chronic Homeless definitions.
14 Definition: Unaccompanied A single homeless person who is alone, is not part of a homeless family, and not accompanied by children.
15 Definition: Disabling Condition Serious mental illness Developmental disability Substance disorder Chronic physical illness or disability Co-occurrence of two or more of these conditions * Must be verified by a qualified professional **Must limit an individual’s ability to work or perform one or more activities of daily living
16 Definition: Chronic Homelessness Group 1: Continuously homeless for a year or more. OR Group 2: Had at least four episodes of homelessness in the last three years.
17 Group 2: Other Rules May have spent time anywhere in between homeless episodes. Hospitals/jails, and residential treatment facilities are all acceptable for intervals between homelessness.
18 Example of Homeless History 1. Evicted – moves to shelter 2. Stays with a friend—leaves for shelter 3. Incarcerated—released to live on street 4. Doubles up again with friend—leaves for shelter.
19 Status at Application AcceptableNot Acceptable In a shelter In a park Under an overpass In a car In any kind of housing In “residential housing” In treatment setting In hospital more than 30 days In jail/prison
20 Shelter Plus Care Memorandum of Agreement Partnership between consumer, service provider and Sandhills Center LME. Define roles and responsibilities. Services are a critical component of program. Compliance and agreement of all tenant landlord fair housing laws.
21 Application process… All completed applications should be returned to: Housing Department Sandhills Center LME PO Box 9 West End, NC Application is not considered complete unless supported documentation is present. Applications accepted on first come, first serve basis.
22 QUESTIONS?... Contact the Housing Department at Sandhills Center LME by calling , ext or Thank you!!!