Anatomy of Failure: The Publicly Funded Australian VET System Dr Phillip Toner Honorary Department of Political Economy University Of Sydney GTA National Conference Adelaide April 2016
1.Why is VET important Trades and Technician Training Equity 2.Some key trends in VET enrolments and public funding of VET 3. Some key trends in VET graduate labour market outcomes
PUBLICLY FUNDED - TAFEPRIVATELY OPERATED RTO Major Field Of Education ∆ In Student Enrolments % ∆ in the FOE Contribution to ∆ ∆ In Student Enrolments % ∆ in FOE Contribution to ∆ NATURAL & PHYSICAL SCIENCES %<1% %1% 2. INFORMATION TECH %-12%182467%1% 3. ENGINEERING %-20% %19% 4. ARCHITEC. & BUILD %-5% %7% 5. AGRIC. & ENVIRON %-9%3786%0% 6. HEALTH %-5%451747%2% 7. EDUCATION481010%2% %5% 8. MANAG’T & COMMER %-37% %20% 9. SOCIETY & CULTURE %-6% %27% 10. CREATIVE ARTS %-8%58936%0% 11. FOOD, HOSPITALITY & PERSONAL SERVICES %-16% %10% 12. MIXED FIELD PROG’S %-9% %6% 13.(Not known/Award only) %68183% Total % % Slide 5 Student X Field of Education. TAFE and Private RTO Australia Source: VOCSTATS Students Major program field of education by Year and Reporting type Counting: Students
2006 %2015% Change Employed after training % Fully or partly achieved main reason for doing the training % Of those employed after training Found the training relevant to their current job % Received at least one job-related benefit % Of those employed before training Employed at a higher skill level after training % Of those not employed before training Employed after training % Improved employment status after training % Slide 10 Student Graduate Outcomes TAFE and Other Public Providers. Australia Source: Government-funded student outcomes 2015 Index 3: Time series of key findings by provider type and funding source ( ). Table 1. Percent reductions are statistically significant at 95% confidence limit
AustraliaVictoria % Change % Change Employed after training % % Fully or partly achieved main reason for doing the training % % Of those employed after training Found the training relevant to their current job % % Received at least one job-related benefit % % Of those employed before training Employed at a higher skill level after training % % Of those not employed before training Employed after training % % Improved employment status after training % % Slide 11 Student Graduate Outcomes Private Providers. Australia and Victoria