Shooting an Elephant Amber Waddell
George Orwell He sympathized with the underdog and spoke out against social and political injustice Born in the Indian province of Bengal Working as a dishwasher and a day laborer, he trampled through the country side with the homeless
Theme People will do something to make themselves look strong and powerful.
Plot To make himself look strong in front of a big group of people he killed a tame elephant that went on a rampage just because the other people wanted him to.
Characters George Orwell The elephant
Conflict Internal conflict between George and himself. He didn’t want to shoot the elephant but he did so they would have food.
Resolution George feels bad about shooting the elephant so maybe he shouldn’t of so he wouldn’t feel this way.
Memorable Line “ A story always sounds clear enough at distance, but the nearer you get to the scene of events the vaguer it becomes.”
Interesting Fact That you have to shoot an elephant a lot to get it to die.
3 questions you have Why did George give into peer pressure? Why did the elephant go wild? Why didn’t the people have food?