Leadership Excellence Gareth Brown
Leadership Excellence – About US W e work alongside our Customers to enable them to Discover and Develop people with the knowledge, skills and behaviours to thrive in the 21st Century workplace.
Leadership Excellence - Objectives Understand how Leadership has changed in response to the changing landscape of the 21st century Identify the key qualities that underpin Leadership Excellence in Emergency Medicine Identify personal Leadership preferences and style Flex and adapt Leadership style to be more effective across a range of situations Recognise the attitudes and behaviours of outstanding Leaders in Emergency Medicine Develop a culture and mind-set of continuous improvement
Leadership Excellence - Context As the NHS strives to become the world’s safest and largest learning organisation, Clinicians now find themselves operating within an ever more complex, multi- disciplinary care environment Severe budget constraints; limited resources and an ageing population are combining to create an ever greater need for Leadership at all levels
Leadership Excellence - Approach Leadership Excellence is about continuously striving to perform at our best, whilst enabling the people we “lead” do the same
Leadership Excellence – The Mind-Set “Excellence is a game of inches; it is a thousand things, a thousand, thousand things each done a tiny bit better” Anon “You are what you repeatedly do.” Excellence is thus not an act, but a habit” Aristotle
Leadership Excellence – The Qualities Be Inspiring Be Visionary Be Humble Be Resilient Be Courageous Be Compassionate Be Focused Be Human Level 5 Leadership “The Triumph of Humility and Fierce Resolve”
Leadership Excellence – Reflective Practice Leadership Excellence - What can you do that will encourage you and others to be the best they can be? Leadership Excellence - What is the impact of your leadership on others - and how can you develop your abilities to take others with you? Reflective Practice PauseQuestionEnquireLearnImprove
Leadership Excellence – High Performance “Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.” Patrick Lencioni The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership fable
Left Brain – “Think - IQ” Logic Analysis Sequencing Linear Mathematics Language Facts Words Right Brain – “Feel - EQ” Creativity Imagination Holistic Intuition Arts Rhythm Behaviour Music Leadership Excellence – The Best of Both
At the highest level Emotional Intelligence is the biggest differentiator of performance “Where are we going” “Where are we now” “Who is with me” “How are we doing” “A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination” Nelson Mandela
Leadership Excellence – The Behaviours Delivering Results Influencing People Adapting Approaches Solving Problems Driving success Structuring tasks Processing details Providing Leadership Building relationships Communicating information Adjusting to change Giving support Showing resilienc e Investigating Issues Creating Innovation Evaluating Problems
Leadership Excellence - Influencing People PROVIDING LEADERSHIP Making Good Decisions: Deciding on action, assuming responsibility and standing by decisions Empowering Individuals: Motivating individuals, inspiring people, giving encouragement Directing People: Leading people, co-ordinating groups and controlling things BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS Interacting with People: Projecting enthusiasm, making contact and networking COMMUNICATING INFORMATION Convincing People: Persuading others, shaping outcomes and negotiating
Leadership Excellence - Adapting Approaches ADJUSTING TO CHANGE Thinking Positively: Being optimistic, projecting cheerfulness, positive self-talk. GIVING SUPPORT Team Working: Working participatively, encouraging team contributions and involving others in decisions Valuing Individuals: Showing consideration, tolerating others and trusting people SHOWING RESILIENCE Resolving Conflict: Calming upset people, angry individuals, resolving arguments Showing Composure: Staying calm, tolerating stress, Dealing with pressure
Leadership Excellence - Solving Problems INVESTIGATING ISSUES Developing Expertise: Creating learning opportunities; supporting others to grow and develop Adopting Practical Approaches: Applying practical skills; learning by doing CREATING INNOVATION Developing Concepts: Exploring possibilities; Identifying underlying principles EVALUATING PROBLEMS Examining Information: Asking probing questions; finding solutions
Leadership Excellence - Delivering Results DRIVING SUCCESS Pursuing Goals: Achieving outstanding results, acting with determination and persisting through difficulties Taking Action: Making things happen, using initiative, and investing energy STRUCTURING TASKS Managing Tasks: Working methodically, planning activities and setting priorities Making Good Decisions: Deciding on action, assuming responsibility and standing by decisions