Stakeholders and Their Roles in Recovery ADPC and the ARF Disaster Relief and Disaster Risk Management Cooperation Qingdao, Shandong Province, P.R.China, 18 –20 September 2006
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) ADPC is supporting the advancement of safer communities and sustainable development, through implementing programs and projects that reduce the impact of disasters upon countries and communities in Asia and the Pacific, by: Developing and enhancing sustainable institutional disaster risk management capacities, frameworks and mechanisms, and supporting the development and implementation of government policies; Facilitating the dissemination and exchange of disaster risk management expertise, experience and information; and Raising awareness and enhancing disaster risk management knowledge and skills.
Southeast Asia: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam South Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Maldives East Asia: China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia Collaboration through SOPAC Central Asia: Georgia, Kazakhstan West Asia: Iran, Jordan Pacific: PNG,East Timor Limited Engagement (RCC Membership) Support to the Pacific Countries of Asia and the Pacific Primary Sub-regions ADPC’s Geographical Coverage
Stakeholders and Their Roles in Recovery ADPC Participation in past ARF Inter Sessional Meetings on Disaster Relief (ARF ISM DR) 2nd meeting in Bangkok, Thailand (Feb 1998) 3rd meeting in Moscow, Russia (April 1999) 4th meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam ( May 2000)
ADPC Support Activities to ARF ISM IDR ARF Disaster Management Workshop Jan 1999 co-chaired by Royal Thai Government and Government of New Zealand; supported by USAID; organised by ADPC ARF Workshop on Training of Trainers for Disaster Response Operations Jan 2000 co-chaired by Royal Thai Government and Government of Australia; organised by ADPC ARF Matrix of cooperation in disaster management among ASEAN Regional Forum Participating countries April 1999, compiled by ADPC on the request of ARF and presented at the 3rd meeting in Moscow
ADPC Cooperation with ASEAN ADPC participation in 11th and 12th meetings of ASEAN Experts Group on Disaster Management (AEGDM) held in Chiangmai, Thailand (Aug 2000) and Hanoi, Vietnam (Aug 2002) ADPC participation in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th meetings of ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management held in Brunei (Dec 2003), Bali (May 2004), Phnom Penh (Dec 2004), Yangon (June 2005) Yogyakarta (August 2006) ADPC participation in 1st ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management (AMMDM) in Dec 2004 in Phnom Penh
ADPC Cooperation with ASEAN (cont.) ASEAN ADPC regional workshop for the development of ASEAN Regional Program on Disaster Management March 2002 sponsored by European Union ADPC assistance and technical support to the drafting and finalisation of the ASEAN Regional Program on Disaster Management (ARPDM) adopted by ASEAN at Hanoi in 2002 and approved at the 1st ACDM meeting at Brunei in 2003 ADPC ACDM workshop on disaster management training in Sept 2004 under its ADPC UNESCAP ECHO program of Partnerships for Disaster Reduction South East Asia (PDRSEA 2)
ADPC Cooperation with ASEAN (cont.) ADPC participation in and support to Workshops to operationalise ARPDM in Manila (Aug 03) and Bangkok (Oct 03) and launch at Bali (May 04) including on the request of ACDM, developing a matrix of possible partners and ongoing programs that have synergy with ARPDM ADPC conducted study for ASEAN Senior Officials on the Environment (ASOEN) on Establishment and Operationalization of an ASEAN Emergency Response and Strategic Planning Institute for Environmental Disasters in
ADPC Cooperation with ASEAN (cont.) ADPC conducted 2 training courses for ASEAN officials on Urban and Rural Flood Risk Management with funding support from ASEAN Foundation in ADPC and UNESCAP facilitated a joint meeting on cooperation between 4 regional mechanisms : ACDM, ASOEN, Typhoon Committee and Mekong River Commission Oct 05 and Feb 06 under ADPC UNESCAP ECHO project PDRSEA 3
Ongoing / Forthcoming Cooperation with ACDM as proposed at the 7 th ACDM Meeting ADPC participation in 2nd ASEAN Disaster Response Exercise in Cambodia in Sept 2006 in Cambodia ADPC support to implementation of ARPDM priority sub project on integrating disaster reduction into the secondary school curriculum in ASEAN countries through linkage with its forthcoming ADPC UNDP ECHO project mainstreaming disaster reduction into the education sector in 2007
Ongoing / Forthcoming Cooperation with ACDM as proposed at the 7 th ACDM Meeting (cont.) Cooperation and support in organising ASEAN Day for Disaster Reduction ADPC support to implementation of ARPDM sub project of safety of school children in flood prone areas through linkage with its ongoing ADPC MRC Flood Emergency Management Strengthening program
ADPC Cooperation with the Mekong River Commission (MRC) Capacity building for Preparedness Planning in the Lower Mekong Basin using Flood Information Products (Phase I) September 2003 June 2004 Flood Emergency Management Strengthening (FEMS): Component 4 of the Mekong River Commission’s Flood Management and Mitigation Program September 2004 June 2007
ADPC Cooperation with the Mekong River Commission (MRC) (cont.) Capacity Building for Planning and Implementation of Flood Preparedness Program at Provincial and Districts levels in the Lower Mekong Basin (Phase II) February 2005 April 2006 Support to Implementation of Flood Preparedness Program at Provincial, District and Commune levels in the Lower Mekong Basin (Phase II) January 2007 March 2008
Is risk management part of the planning, project development and regulatory enforcement process?
ADPC’s Recommendations Awareness on a way to reduce cost and investment for disaster relief – mainstreaming disaster preparedness and disaster risk management into the development cycle - Hazard only -- not and less disaster - Reduce vulnerability - Reduce risk - Community preparedness Emphasis on capacity building for disaster risk management - Institutional development - Policy, law and regulation - Public awareness and advocacy - Demonstration project - Training, drill, simulation and research
ADPC’s Recommendations (cont.) Policy/action on mobilizing resources for capacity building - Local, state and national entity budget line item - Private, NGO involvement - Operating credit mechanisms - International donors Strengthening the regional systematic cooperation mechanism for capacity building Li - Cooperation/coordination mechanism (ADPC’s RCC) - Early warning system - Campaign and advocacy - Workshop and training Operating Credit Mechanisms
Stakeholders and Their Roles in Recovery Thank You