1 Transport and Logistic Platforms Logistic City’s – Intemodal and Sustainable Solutions Lisbon – 07 of July 2010
2 1. LOGZ A Global importance Logistic HUB, With a natural vocation; Prepared to face up to the challenges of intermodality launched by both the Portuguese State and European Commission; It will provide indispensable services for the companies, people and transport; Its target is to promote the creation of logistic solutions that will accrue value to the distribution chain. Its promotions and development are carried out by private entities with experience in developing infrastructures that stimulate economic growth and development.
3 ● Its Atlantic positioning makes it the gateway of excellence for goods trade from and to the American, African and Asian continents; ● A new alternative for the European Short Sea Shipping to enter in the Iberian Peninsula. Iberian and European Atlantic Gateway 2. Strategic Orientation
4 Connections to the other Iberian and European logistic platforms and Ports It will strengthen trade in the ports of Sines, Setúbal and Lisbon, concerning the flows intended for the Iberian hinterland Perfect setting for installing a Greater Lisbon/National Distribution Centre Madrid Zaragoza Barcelona Atlantic HUB Valencia Lisbon France Irún Distribution Centre 2. Strategic Orientation
5 5. Dados do Projecto 3. The Master Plan Intermodal Logistic Area Multifuncional Logistic Area Exhibition and Logistic Area Intermodal Center Business Center Comercial Area Truck Center
6Lisboa ● 35 km distance from Lisbon, ● Direct connection to the A12 highway and to the national road network (EN 252); ● Near the interception of two major highways connecting this region to Spain, Algarve and the North of Portugal. Road Access ● Railway interchange of Poceirão (1st concentration spot of the rail lines that connect Sines, Setúbal and Lisbon); ● It allows the connection to the North of Portugal (via Setil); ● Link with the future cargo connection to Spain (Casa Branca-Elvas) (2014); ● Link with the future High Speed network to Madrid. Railway & Sea Acess Lisbon Airport: Just 35 km away, it is Portugal main passenger airport and one of the main airports in terms of freight traffic. New Lisbon Airport: LOGZ the closest Logistic Platform (15 km) to this major infrastructure. Airport Porto de Lisboa Porto de Setúbal Porto de Sines Espanha Norte (Setil) 4. Acessibility & Intermodality
7 Logistic City’s Network 5.Logistic City's Network
8 Logistic City’s Network – Portugal & Spain Ensuring the rail network and developing the Intermodal Centers in all the logistics platform, is guaranteed the sustained development of an Iberian city logistical network. 5.Market Trends
9 Logistic City’s Network – Europ In addition to the Iberian network and the development of the trends defined by FERREMED, rail corridor in northern Africa to Denmark, the European network of cities is the logistical one step away 5.Logistic City's Network
10 ● Trends, challenges, objectives and instruments to be included in the Transport White Paper that runs until ● Growing trend towards intermodality, investment in multimodal platforms, and its connection with other existing adjacent regions will be a priority. 6.Market Trends
11 Rail transport development Association Strategic Study goals: Promote the creation of major European railways Definition of uniform technical standards in Europe Improvement of intermodal transport Increased competitiveness of EU economy 6.Market Trends
12 Uniform tension, gauge and length Promoting conditions for trains up to 1500 meters to 5000 ton Pending maximum of Network of freight terminals Separate network passenger and freight Costs of infrastructure and competitive uniforms Railway 6.Market Trends
13 Railway Intermodal Solution Road weight / length critical point Distance Unit Cost 6.Market Trends
14 8% 40% 5% 10% Road Scenario Railway tendencie 6.Market Trends
15 − Areas of consolidation/deconsolidation of compositions; − Road/railway and railway/railway inter-modes; − Periodic Shuttle to the Lisbon, Setúbal and Sines ports; − Regular connections to Spain and Europe; − Connection to the future High Speed railway network; − Coexistence of both Iberian and European gauges; − Stockroom and container area − General Cargo Handling. Total area of 37 ha (to be developed in 3 phases) 3 lines of reception and expedition (A) 4 Multifunctional Railway Lines (road/railway) (B) 3 railway/railway lines of transhipment (C) 1 line of access to the warehouses (D) Movement Capacity TEU’s/year on 750 meters length trains 7. LOGZ - Intermodal Center
16 8. Sustainable Development 2.Sizing of internal roads 3.Definition of hierarchies in the internal roads 1.Road access hierarchies AE » EN » EM 4.Zoning direction indications model A Sustainable Strategy :
17 Electric Mobility The LOGZ joined the network Mobi-E, integrating the plot of "Electric Companies Pioneers of Sustainable Mobility.“ will ensure the installation of charging stations / supplies by the various plots of the platform, acting as operator of stations charging This commitment which extends beyond the period of development of "pilot network", is aimed at the mass use of electric vehicles also on the Platform. To believe in the strong contribution of this program to reduce the energy bill, Portugal must lead the implementation of this technology worldwide. 8. Sustainable Development