It’s not easy trying to beat a drug addiction and it just got harder in the Cowichan Valley. One of the two physicians in Duncan who were authorized to.


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Presentation transcript:

It’s not easy trying to beat a drug addiction and it just got harder in the Cowichan Valley. One of the two physicians in Duncan who were authorized to prescribe methadone, which prevents drug withdrawal symptoms, has moved his practice to Nanaimo, and the other is unable to take on more patients. Paul Hasselback, medical health officer for central Vancouver Island, says there is a shortage of physicians who can prescribe methadone on the Island. Hasselback says there are only 60 or 70 physicians on the Island prescribing methodone for three thousand patients and likely more patients would step up for treatment if it was available people on Vancouver Island - are struggling with drug addiction. -Population of Van Isle is 750, % of the population is addicted to drugs -Extrapolate that to a world-wide population and you get more than 35 million people struggling with addiction! Methadone reduces withdrawal symptoms in people addicted to heroin or other narcotic drugs without causing the "high" associated with the drug addiction.

What is “Addiction”? A chronic pattern of behavior that continues despite negative consequences that result from engaging in the behavior Physical dependence Your body craves the substance to which it is addicted Will go through physiological withdrawal if the behaviour is not continued

What is “Addiction”? Psychological dependence – Habits develop that relieve symptoms of loneliness, anxiety, depression, negative self-image – As behaviour is indulged, it is associated with pleasure and avoidance of pain – Cycle begins that is similar to physical addiction – Can form for any rewarding behavior or as a habitual means to avoid undesired activity

What is “Addiction”? Psychological dependence – addictions include dependency on such things as gambling, eating, sex and pornography, Internet use, work, and shopping and spending money gamblingeatingsex and pornographyInternet useworkshopping and spending money

The Cycle of Addiction