Very vegetarian
pineapple peach pear water melon grape lemon mango strawberry
mushroom onion tomato eggplant cucumber potato carrot pepper
1.steak 2.chicken 3.sausages 4.salad 5.cheeseburger 6.milk ad b c e f 1.f 2.e 3.b 4.d 5.a 6.c
Free talk:My preference( 偏爱 ) for food Which do you like better , meat or vegetables ? Why ?
Skimming: 1.Whom does ‘very vegetarian’ refer to? 2.What does ‘very vegetarian’ mean?
Inferring( 推断 ) facts For each sentence, write D for facts stated( 陈述 ) directly( 直接地 ), I for facts that can be inferred and X if the transcript doesn’t say 1.Sam doesn’t want to eat meat for lunch. 2.In the story, a waitress or a waiter serves them food. 3. Sally thinks Sam is easily influenced by TV. (D) (I) (D)
4. Sally is having a salad for lunch with her mixed grill. 5. Sam probably passes the pepper to Sally. 6. Sam can’t convince Sally to become a vegetarian. (X) (I) (D)
Scanning:answering questions 1 A:What is the job Sam wanted to have in the past? B:Sam wanted to be an astronaut. 2 A:where did Sam get his information on the animals we eat? B:_____________ 3 A:Where does Sam think the animals we eat are kept? B:_____________ 4 A:What does Sam think Sally should eat? B:_____________ From TV In tiny spaces A salad
Views on Diets Animals spend their lives crowded together in tiny spaces. Animals can easily get sick. Drugs given to them remain in the meat when we eat it. It may be dangerous to our health. If we should use land to grow food for people instead of cattle, there’d be no hungry people. Meat contains vitamins and minerals not found in vegetables. People are made ill because of the pesticides the farmers use on them.
Discussion Topics:Do you think Sam’s and Sally’s diets are balanced? In your opinion, what is a balanced diet. Eating for health eat most grains ( 谷类 ), fruit,vegetables eat moderately meat,fish,beans( 豆 ),milk, eggs, cheese( 奶酪 ) eat least fat( 肥肉 ),oil,sugar,sweet things Note: Do not eat a lot of salt or soya sauce( 酱油 ).
Homework: Read the transcript after class. Write a short passage entitled My Thought for Food(about 100 words)