Run Across America Coming to North Mianus 23 April - 7 June nd, 3rd, 4th Graders
Is This Possible? The 4th and 5th grade students at Russell Elementary School in Missoula, Montana
Russell’s Path Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware.
Greenwich New York City Bronx Zoo
How Monday after Spring Break Wear comfortable shoes Meet monitor at track on field near playground Run, walk, skip any distance Record laps run with the monitor
Keeping Track: Index Cards One box for each lap 5 boxes per mile After run, check off a box for each lap
Small Steps to Big Goals 5 laps is one mile 1 lap a day, 6 miles at end 3 laps a day finishes 1/2 marathon: 13. Max 5 laps: finish a marathon: 26 miles!
When you finish a card: Things earned at 1, 5, 10, 13.1 –1 mile: certificate of participation –5 mile: shoe laces –10 mile: water bottle –13.1 mile: trophy and t-shirt (the trophy was a huge incentive) –26 mile: a bigger trophy (the best incentive) At 1, 5, 10, 13.1 Principal announces your name in morning address (note, this was a huge incentive, and wasn’t possible because 250 kids made it to 5 miles in the first week.)
You’re a Team Goal: Los Angeles Daily, distance tallied Bulletin board showing distance
Bulletin Board
Power in Numbers 250 kids 1 mile each first day goes to Washington DC! Everyone runs 1 mile a day, get there in 2.5 weeks Every lap counts! Every one counts!
Parents & Teachers Earn five miles per mile around track! Bring your parents and your teacher!
What will that take? 3000 miles 10 classes of 25 students = 250 students 12 miles each! 66 laps 30 days 3 laps a day