Vision We will be leaders in the pet care profession by promising to provide the very best, most reliable, and most convenient care to your beloved pets. Safety for the pets in our care is our number one priority. We promise to love and care for your pets as if they were our own pets. Mission To provide excellent animal care in a pet friendly atmosphere while ensuring our customers, both pet and owner, receive excellent service in a playful safe environment.
Contents Market analysis Requirements Business Features
Target market segments Middle to High Income pet owner. Working professional that need reliable trusting pet care center Travelling Professionals. In Pune our target area is Koregaon Park(K.P.) and surrounding areas since mostly inhabited by upper middle class and upper class
Market Scenario Total number of day care centers of pet in pune: 5 Number of pet owners: (approx.) Target Area is Koregaon Park(K.P.) and surrounding areas since mostly inhabited by upper middle class and upper class Location: Aundh or nearby area because of following reasons: – No day care centre in Aundh till now – The rent rate is Rs / sq.ft. which is quiet low as compared to K.P. (Rs / sq.ft.)
Business Specifications Area of centre-3000sq ft Constructed area – 1000 sq ft for office space, grooming space and a store Staff Required: 1 Veterinary doctor Trainers – initially 2 Grooming staff – 3 Management – can be done by us
Initial Investments RequirementCost Utilized(Rs.) Rent of Land + Initial depositRs /- Construction Cost (Offices, Kennels, Gardens, Splash pool etc) Rs /- Initial Stock of food and other materialsRs /- Furniture and StationaryRs /- Maintenance (Initial Deposit for Electricity, Water supply and other facilities) Rs /- Securities (Cameras and security guards)Rs /- Transportation and other facilitiesRs /- TotalRs /-
Working capital RequirementCost Utilized(Rs.) Salary ExpensesRs /- FoodRs /- Grooming products and equipmentsRs /- Electricity and other amenitiesRs. 8000/- Taxes and other miscellaneous expensesRs /- TotalRs /- per month approx
Business Features
Services offered Boarding and day care Pet grooming Pet events Pick up service Dogging pool
Price and Product Mix Product/Price Premium and unique Services at reasonable prices – Basic Day charges : Rs 600 – Overnight charges: Rs 1000
Promotion Mix Promotion: Yellow page advertisement. Mailings to local veterans. Newspaper release in national and local media. Radio advertisements and onsite live broadcast Referrals and feedbacks from current customers Service trials for a day Discount Strategies for customer retention.
Competitive edge Offer Day Care Overnight care services Certified Professionals for taking special care for pets. Vaccination In-house Veterans Doctor availability. Extensive training- Security/Obedience/Manners/Detection Wholesome hygienic food.
Management Plan One receptionist for the following tasks: a) Assign numbers to dogs. b)Set appointments, answer phones c)Maintain files of client entry. d)Distribute pets to supervisors. Two Supervisors to feed and water pets, keep clean environment, check in and checkout pets. One veterinary doctor. One Pet groomer One Behavioral Training Professional
Critical Risks and Contingencies If the market for upscale pet care centers is less than we anticipate, future expansion and profitability will be harder to achieve Our ability to acquire proper staffing due to tight labor market Our ability to obtain the needed funding now and into the future Some lesser concerns, though still of importance, are items such as a downturn in the economy resulting in reduced utilization of our services