EQ: How do neurotransmitters influence me?
Write an analogy for a neuron/action potential EX: Fist (neuron), fingers (dendrites), and arm (axon) Bell ringer
h/nova/body/mirror- neurons.html Mirror Neuron Video
Major Neurotransmitters
Do you sometimes feel like this?
And sometimes like this?? Why?
Regulates mood, emotion, anxiety, arousal, sleep, hunger Serotonin
Some “Club Drugs” such as ecstasy affect mood….why?
Drugs flood brain with serotonin so people feel a high but when they wear off the brain is deprived of serotonin which can cause depression
Dopamine: What do you think it influences??
Plays important role in how we experience rewards from a variety of natural sources- food, sex, and drugs. Can impact addiction. Also influences movement, learning, attention, and emotion. Dopamine
Who likes to play sports? Dance?
Acetylcholine What does it enable? Enables muscle action, learning, and memory
Botox affects Ach? How do you think it works? Who wants Botox?
Botulin is a poison which causes paralysis by blocking Ach release from the sending neuron Botox smooths wrinkles by paralyzing the underlying facial muscles
How does the venom of a black widow affect Ach? (effects: vomiting, seizures)
Venom causes a flood of Ach which causes muscle contractions, convulsions, and possible death
Helps prevent the body from being too excited and induce a more relaxed or calm state. If you have low levels of Gaba you may feel anxiety, experience panic attacks, experience mood swings, insomnia, seizures. GABA
Have you ever been severely hurt but not felt the pain right away? Possible started laughing instead of crying from pain? Endorphins
Natural opiate like neurotransmitters linked to pain control and experience of pleasure. Released in response to pain and vigorous exercise. Endorphins
This is simply adrenaline. Affects metabolism, mental focus, attention and awareness Epinephrine