Health in Strategic Environmental Assessment Colleen Williams: Department of Health Paul Fisher: Health Protection Agency


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Presentation transcript:

Health in Strategic Environmental Assessment Colleen Williams: Department of Health Paul Fisher: Health Protection Agency

Draft Guidance on Health in SEA Written by Department of Health in close collaboration with the Health Protection Agency and in consultation with the Department for Communities and Local Government and Environment Agency Based on: - current good practice - three workshops in England, one in Wales - national Seminar in Birmingham Overseen by the Health and SEA Working Group Complements other SEA topic guidance (e.g. Biodiversity)

Draft Guidance on Health in SEA Aims of the Guidance To inform the health community -how to get involved -when to get involved -what data to provide To inform planners/Responsible Authorities –who/when to consult ‘health – what data are available and where –health determinants to consider during scoping

Structure of the Guidance Executive summary 1.Purpose and benefits 2.SEA & SA, other related assessment tools and relevant plans and programmes 3.Considering the population’s health in SEA 4. Health in the SEA process Annexes on Health, SEA Topics and Health Evidence Frequently Asked Questions and Do’s and Don’ts for PCT and RAs (leaflet format)

Purpose and Benefits of Health in SEA Assist RAs to meet their obligations for considering on Human Health in SEA. Benefits for PCTs and Public Health include: Improvements to the population’s health by providing the right environment for healthier lifestyles Plan makers consider the wider determinants of health Reducing health inequalities and causes of ill health Reduce the financial burden of ill health Aid to meeting national and local targets Strengthened planning and health partnerships Improved community engagement

SEA and other Assessments Sections on: The SEA Directive Sustainability Appraisal Consultation arrangements on health Other related assessments (HIA, EIA, IPPC, and EQIA) Relevant Plans and Programmes

Consultation with Health Who to contact: National plans and programmes – Department of Health, Health Improvement Directorate Regional plans and programmes - first contact the Regional Director of Public Health (RDsPH) Local plans and programmes - for same geographical area as the local Primary Care Trust (PCT) contact in the Director of Public Health Regional / Local - for a plan or programme covering more that one PCT, consult with both the RDPH and each of the relevant PCTs for the area

Sources of information for DsPH The community through Local Involvement Networks Local Authority Environmental Health Officer (EHO) and planners Regional or PCT Director of Public Health (DPH) Public Health Observatory (PHO) Health Protection Agency (HPA) Environment Agency (EA) Strategic Health Authority (SHA) and Primary Care Trust (PCT) Water Companies Academic Institutions

Considering the population’s health

DsPH areas of expertise Significant effects on the population’s health and well-being Consideration of health impacts, especially in scoping, objective setting, assessment and monitoring as appropriate Consultation at scoping & Environmental Report Signposting public health information & evidence Advise on the interpretation of health information SEA and Environmental Report quality Monitoring population’s health information

Health in types of plans or programmes

Health evidence

Stages of SEA

Health baseline information Large amount of health information: Start with ready made information e.g. Strategic Needs Assessments, Local Health Profiles, Annual Public Health Reports. Local Authorities hold health-related information e.g. Environmental Health, Leisure, Housing, Community Strategies. Public health professionals can give an opinion on relevant health data and evidence, and how it can be assessed.

Health Objectives, Indicators, Targets

Alternatives and assessment Public Health professionals will be able to: Contribute to assessing alternatives Predict the effects on the population’s health, especially cumulative effects Provide examples of mitigation measures Advise on what information is routinely collected for monitoring purposes

Consultation questions 1.Is it clear how the consideration of human health can be covered in the SEA assessment process and how this can be achieved? 2.Are the right health organisations and contacts referred to and included in this advice? 3.Does this provide you with the right type of information and data sources for considering the population’s health in the SEA process? 4.Does the guidance make clear the process for obtaining information and advice on the population’s health? 5.Is the type of health-sector input appropriate for the five stages of SEA? 6. Is the health organisations’ input provided at the most appropriate time within the process? 7.What additional information, if any, would be helpful for RAs when addressing health in the SEA process? 8.Do you feel there are any other issues relating to equality that should be covered? 9.Do you think the length of the document and the level of detail is appropriate? 10.What impact do you anticipate the guidance will have on the work of your organisation (NHS/RAs)? 11.Are there any other comments you would like to make?