B UILDING C ONFIDENCE The science and symptoms of stage fright
W HAT IS IT ? Stage fright: a nervousness associated with speaking or performing in front of an audience. Even very experienced speakers deal with this
W HY S TAGE F RIGHT O CCURS Psychological tension: mental strain This tension comes from two sources: Wanting to perform well Worry about failure
B IOLOGY OF S TAGE F RIGHT Fight or flight responseFight or flight response: Breathing rate increases Stuttering, shortness of breath Heart rate increases Leads to knees knocking, tightened muscles, flushed face Temperature increases Perspiration and discomfort Adrenaline increases
U NCONTROLLED S TAGE F RIGHT Can be harmful (to your performance) Due to: Overconfidence resulting in a lack of preparation/practice Lack of confidence because of lack of preparation/practice
C ONTROLLING S TAGE F RIGHT Prepare thoroughly Relax before you speak: Take a deep breath Exaggerated yawn Progressive relaxation Audiences are forgiving Remember: You know more than your audience Develop the right attitude
C ONTROLLING S TAGE F RIGHT Concentrate on your topic Concentrate on your audience Do not concentrate on yourself Inject a little humor Only with purpose Move about (gestures or steps) Only with purpose
C ONTROLLING S TAGE F RIGHT Handle specific symptoms of stage fright Water bottle Light clothing Speak as often as you can Join the forensics team Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse You can always recover Don’t get discouraged!