Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Business Support Review Children’s Services Final Staff Engagement.


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Presentation transcript:

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Business Support Review Children’s Services Final Staff Engagement Briefing May 2015

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Agenda  Recap on objectives and process  Feedback received and alternative proposals  Final structures  Assimilation & VR  Vacancy Preference  VR applications  Next Steps  Questions & Discussion

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Recap on Objectives (Children’s Services) Delivers children’s services business support saving of £361K. Analyse business requirements, ensuring Business Support capacity is best utilised for efficient, effective and resilient service delivery Establish a clear structure that can be flexible across geographic boundaries at times of service need Create more generic roles and a structure to allow collaboration of teams working together across localities in Directorates where synergies exist. Reflects the rationalisation and merging of Council buildings Hold vacant posts and accept VRs to minimise the number of staff ‘at risk’ Removes temporary / agency staff & replace with substantive employees Prepares for future change and business efficiency opportunities –E.g potential transfer of transactional functions and helpdesk activities into a service centre model.

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Reshaping Process Engagement Period 8 th March 2016 – 20 th April 2016 Review and Decision 21 st April 2016 – 19 th May 2016 VR Window 8 th - 22 nd March 2016 Assimilation & VR Approval Assimilation from 25 th May 2016 VR approval from wc 30 th May Vacancy Preference Process Applications 6 – 13 June 2016 Interviews from 14 June 2016 Final Outcomes By July 2016

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Proposals, Feedback and Engagement 95 staff attended initial engagement sessions 90 staff attended the midpoint sessions 10 individual or group 121s were facilitated Trade Union commitment and attendance welcomed Considerable FAQs and consultation responses received and thoroughly considered

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Feedback Key Themes (1-3) FeedbackResponse 1) Concern at some proposed team leader to staff ratios DMT commitment to wider long term review regarding specific issues including team leader spans of control. 2) Concern at retaining the grade 4 and grade 6 roles DMT reviewed this and have decided it is important for business need and career progression to retain the Grade 4 & 6 levels. 3) Generic job descriptions & titles Some requests for specialist job descriptions for certain roles with queries re JWCs Concern over some job titles. DMT decision not to develop specialist JDs but have moved from corporate to children’s services directorate specific job descriptions and reflected feedback from staff where possible. Job titles have been amended in line with feedback received. JWCs have been reviewed in line with the new profiles.

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Feedback Key Themes (4-6) FeedbackResponse 4) Scope issues – some requests to remove individuals or groups of staff from scope. DMT decision to maintain proposed scope. 5) Grading issues for specific staff groups. Some proposals received to change the job family and/or move to a higher grade. DMT considered and decision to retain grade levels proposed in the review. 6) Assimilation policy concernsDispute with GMB Union has now progressed and revised Corporate Policy agreed between both Council and TUs (detail later in presentation)

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Feedback Key themes (7-8) FeedbackResponse 7) Capacity – concern raised by all service areas at existing and predicted future capacity issues. Also issues raised regarding equity between districts. Need to work differently in future – will review and assess tasks undertaken by business support to ensure effective prioritisation and ensure expectations are managed appropriately. BRMs will work with senior managers. DMT commitment to wider longer term review of equity of business support capacity between districts in response to changing demands and workloads. 8) Concern at proposed deletion of specific posts such as residential and BSIM team role DMT decision to agree proposed deletion of home- based residential support but to commit to providing a level of ongoing to support to homes both remote and on-site through staff in the district – working arrangements to be finalised prior to structure implementation. BSIM team role to be retained

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Feedback Key Themes (9-10) FeedbackResponse 9) Counter Proposals to move existing resources to best fit with new structure – within existing budgets. DMT agreed to transfer 0.4 fte grade 4 per district from C&F district teams to SEND teams to reflect changes in working arrangements. Court Proceedings – work previously undertaken by stand alone post to be integrated into Carlisle & Eden C&F district business support team CLA Health work agree to convert 2 x 0.6 fte grade 4 to 1 x fte grade 6 with the work undertaken within Allerdale & Copeland C&F district support. Fostering & Adoption - reducing team leader posts from 2 to 1, (current vacant team leader post converted into additional grade 6 roles) 10) New models proposed for certain teams to realign numbers of posts at different grades. (Fostering & Adoption, Allerdale and Copeland C&F district hub, Barrow & South lakes district hub) Where a proposal was within existing budget envelope and did not break corporate remit of the review including moving beyond agreed grade bandings, this was agreed.

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Final structure - implications Business Support Assistant Grade 4 Grade 5 Business Support Administrator Grade 6 Grade 8 Business Support Team Leader Grade 9 Business Resource Manager Grade 15 Current Proposed for consultation FINAL DECISION Change (Current vs Final) Vacancies or confirmed VRs Live VR applications Net loss of of which are confirmed VR/Vacancies = 1.66 net reduction NB: This slide has been amended following the final staff engagement session on 24/05/16.

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Final Structures Please see handouts Grade comparator analysis (and all other documentation) will be posted to the website following final engagement sessions

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Capacity Changes: Current v Final This will be uploaded onto the Employee Information Website by Weds 25 May

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Summary of changes One post back in the structure (BSIM team) Transfer previously stand alone court work functions into C&E district C&F team Conversion of posts relating to CLA health work from 2 part time grade 4 to 1 grade 6 role based within A&C district team Amendments to job descriptions and job titles (but remaining generic within directorate) Transfer of 0.4 grade 4 to SEND from C&F teams re. CWD work Fostering & Adoption reducing team leader posts from 2 to 1 (conversion of vacant team leader post to additional grade 6 posts) Allerdale & Copeland – re-modelling of posts within existing budget to create more grade 6 roles.

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Review of Objectives Objective Achieved ? Delivers Children’s Services Business Support saving of £361K. √ Analyse business requirements, ensuring Business Support capacity is best utilised for efficient, effective and resilient service delivery √ Establish a clear structure that can be flexible across geographic boundaries at times of service need √ Create more generic roles and a structure to allow collaboration of teams working together across localities in Directorates where synergies exist. √ Reflects the rationalisation and merging of Council buildings √ Hold vacant posts and accept VRs to minimise the number of staff ‘at risk’ √ Removes temporary / agency staff & replace with substantive employeesASAP Prepares for future change and business efficiency opportunities E.g potential transfer of transactional functions and helpdesk activities into a service centre model. √ ASAP

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Business Support Review Children’s Services Implementation Process

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Reshaping Process Engagement Period 8 th March 2016 – 20 th April 2016 Review and Decision 21 st April 2016 – 19 th May 2016 VR Window 8 th - 22 nd March 2016 Assimilation & VR Approval Assimilation from 25 th May 2016 VR approval from wc 30 th May Vacancy Preference Process Applications 6 – 13 June 2016 Interviews from 14 June 2016 Final Outcomes By July 2016

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Assimilation Assimilation process will compare old and new roles to determine where assimilation appointments can be made Direct Assimilation - the job grade/ scale/ range is the same and - must be a 75% or more match (substantially similar) overall against assimilation criteria Assessed Assimilation - the job grade is different - a further assessment process is required to ensure the job holder has the necessary skills, knowledge and competences to fulfil the requirements of the post - it is the responsibility of the employee to identify and objectively evidence that a new post is substantially similar (75%), which must be verified by two managers (Service Manager and Service Assistant Director) Competitive Selection - Following direct and assessed assimilation, where it is identified that there are more people than posts, a competitive selection process will be necessary.

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations At Risk & Vacancy Preference At Risk Employees not assimilated to posts confirmed as ‘at risk’ of redundancy and are able to apply for vacant posts through the vacancy preference process Vacancy Preference Process (VPP) If an employee rejects the offer of assimilation on the grounds that they deem it to be an unsuitable alternative they may not be entitled to a redundancy payment. In these cases employees will have the opportunity to apply for posts through VPP. All employees in scope will receive a personalised letter confirming the outcome of the process:  VR outcome  Confirmation of assimilation  Confirmation of VPP All letters issued via the Service Centre

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Voluntary Redundancy Applications VR window closed 22 March 11 VR applications received (2 since withdrawn) Review and decisions for VR applications from 30 May Final VR sign off by Corporate Director, Children’s Services

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Requests for Voluntary Redundancy Central VR Governance via I-Trent Application DMTs Corporate Director Approval Member Review Response decision Yes VR accepted Yes, but not until agreed dateVR accepted with date agreed Yes but deferred decision Subject to service review at known date No Critical post - VR declined

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Vacancy Preference Process Applications from 6th to 13th June 2016 Interviews from the 14 th June 2016 Ability to apply for: –up to 3 posts; –at any grade Posts that can be applied for through vacancy preference process confirmed in individualised letters Letters contain links to make an application Maximum 3000 character limit for applications Commitment to 1 interview where possible

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Support and Advice Both face-to-face and website Engagement period People Management support Learning & Development service Trade Union representatives Pensions Service Employee Information Website

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Next Steps Consultation phase has now ended Assimilation planned from 25 th May VR review & decision (9 applications) planned from 30 th May VPP applications planned 6 – 13 th June VPP interviews planned from 14 June Final Outcomes expected July 2016 Any amendments to planned dates will be communicated asap

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Recognise this is a significant change process Excellent engagement from staff and colleagues Meaningful feedback received, welcomed and thoroughly considered Support from Trade Union colleagues greatly appreciated Thank you

Serving the people of Cumbria Do not use fonts other than Arial for your presentations Questions & Discussion