Strategic Review of Extra Care Housing in Staffordshire Helen Trousdale Head of Strategic Housing Staffordshire JCU
Early Days 2 Schemes (40 & 30 units) former EPH sites all social rent – early 1990s. Village – 2004/5 130+, mixed tenure Remodelled 2 Sheltered Housing Schemes 2006 DOH bid successful in phase 1 of ECH programme 2004
Moving forward Modernisation of Adult Social Care Choice of options Capital Programme over 4 years (sites & £) Cross party political support ECH was a cornerstone of our ambitions to enable choice and independence.
Time to take stock……… Strategic Review across SC & SP What is the added value of ECH What are the experiences and comments of service users How can we deliver excellence through commissioning How do we take it forward for the future
What did we review 6 extra care schemes 5 Housing Providers 2 Care providers Care & support combined 4 Care and support separate properties in total Only a proportion of either contracts had been market tested.
What did we find High levels of customer satisfaction but vast differences in service models and delivery. Huge price variation (care and support) – so much so there was no way of making a VFM judgement. High quality buildings Hard to find evidence of outcomes. Not a home for Life Need to look at our Charging policy Potential for Care and support to be disjointed if separate Not ready for personalisation
So what next ? We’re thinking about some of the bigger issues coming from the review. How to enable access to DP and IBs – block contracts are a barrier. How to look at VFM What outcomes do we as commissioners want to monitor How to make support and care more joined up What next for ECH????
What else have we done Have another 9 schemes in build at the moment 7 more in the pipeline Thinking about the model Dementia – not just friendly but acute needs specific areas. Young adults with LD – design features in mainstream developments + campus. Intermediate care – early days FlexiCare Flexible registration options Health buy in How much ECH do we need? We need a strategy…..
Cost Benefit Analysis Study of 19 people who moved into a scheme in the last 12 months. Does ECH give a cashable saving on existing care packages – no. Why? Does ECH give SC&H a saving – yes (cost avoidance 5k Next steps widen the sample Look at PSSRU NHS savings data – do we find the same?
Where do we go from here? Joint Commissioning & pooled budgets Charging Core care hours only on a block? FlexiCare Flexi Registration – talks with regulator Mixed needs/age developments? Planning gains. A strategy